Lines Matching refs:people

14 …1:14. And some of the people determined to do this, and went to the king: and he gave them license…
32 … upon the city suddenly, and struck it with a great slaughter, and destroyed much people in Israel.
43 …1:43. And king Antiochus wrote to all his kingdom, that all the people should be one: and every on…
48 1:49. And he commanded the holy places to be profaned, and the holy people of Israel.
52 …se words he wrote to his whole kingdom: and he appointed rulers over the people that should force …
54 …1:55. Then many of the people were gathered to them that had forsaken the law of the Lord: and the…
55 …1:56. And they drove away the people of Israel into lurking holes, and into the secret places of f…
59 …1:61. Thus by their power did they deal with the people of Israel, that were found in the cities m…
63 …1:65. And many of the people of Israel determined with themselves, that they would not eat unclean…
65 1:67. And there was very great wrath upon the people.
71 2:6. These saw the evils that were done in the people of Juda, and in Jerusalem.
72 …2:7. And Mathathias said: Woe is me, wherefore was I born to see the ruin of my people, and the ru…
81 …2:16. And many of the people of Israel consented and came to them: but Mathathias and his sons sto…
130 …g from his youth up, let him be the leader of your army, and he shall manage the war of the people.
131 2:67. And you shall take to you all that observe the law: and revenge ye the wrong of your people.
137 …3:3. And he got his people great honour, and put on a breastplate as a giant, and girt his warlike…
139 …3:5. And he pursued the wicked and sought them out, and them that troubled his people he burnt wit…
176 …heir borders: and they knew the orders the king had given to destroy the people, and utterly aboli…
177 … his neighbour: Let us raise up the low condition of our people, and let us fight for our people, …
189 …3:66. And after this, Judas appointed captains over the people, over thousands, and over hundreds,…
211 4:17. And he said to the people: Be not greedy of the spoils; for there is war before us:
224 …4:31. Shut up this army in the hands of thy people Israel, and let them be confounded in their hos…
247 …4:55. And all the people fell upon their faces, and adored, and blessed up to heaven, him that had…
250 …4:58. And there was exceeding great joy among the people, and the reproach of the Gentiles was tur…
253 …son there, to keep it, and he fortified it, to secure Bethsura, that the people might have a defen…
255 …ration of Jacob that were among them, and they began to kill some of the people, and to persecute …
257 …ce of the children of Bean: who were a snare and a stumblingblock to the people, by lying in wait …
259 …5:6. Then he passed over to the children of Ammon, where he found a mighty power, and much people,…
269 …5:16. Now when Judas and the people heard these words, a great assembly met together to consider w…
271 …5:18. And he left Joseph, the son of Zacharias, and Azarias, captains of the people, with the remn…
272 …5:19. And he commanded them, saying: Take ye the charge of this people; but make no war against th…
283 … early in the morning, when they lifted up their eyes, behold there were people without number, ca…
295 …5:42. Now when Judas came near the torrent of water, he set the scribes of the people by the torre…
296 …5:43. And he passed over to them first, and all the people after him, and all the heathens were di…
306 …5:53. And Judas gathered together the hindmost, and he exhorted the people, all the way through, t…
313 …d there fell on that day, of the people of Israel, about two thousand men, and there was a great o…
317 5:64. And the people assembled to them with joyful acclamations.
340 6:19. And Judas purposed to destroy them: and he called together all the people, to besiege them.
365 6:44. And he exposed himself to deliver his people, and to get himself an everlasting name.
390 …7:6. And they accused the people to the king, saying: Judas and his brethren have destroyed all th…
401 …7:18. Then fear and trembling fell upon all the people: for they said: There is no truth, nor just…
402 …ent, and took many of them that were fled away from him, and some of the people he killed, and thr…
404 …7:22. And they that disturbed the people resorted to him, and they got the land of Juda into their…
408 …f his principal lords, who was a great enemy to Israel: and he commanded him to destroy the people.
415 …7:33. And after this Nicanor went up into mount Sion: and some of the priests and the people came …
419 …name to be called upon therein, that it might be a house of prayer and supplication for thy people.
430 7:48. And the people rejoiced exceedingly, and they spent that day with great joy.
447 …d daily three hundred and twenty men, that sat in counsel always for the people, that they might d…
452 …8:20. Judas Machabeus, and his brethren, and the people of the Jews, have sent us to you to make a…
454 …the peace, and alliance. 8:23. GOOD SUCCESS BE TO THE ROMANS, and to the people of the Jews by sea…
460 8:29. According to these articles did the Romans covenant with the people of the Jews.
465 …ed in Masaloth, which is in Arabella: and they made themselves masters of it, and slew many people.
483 …9:20. And all the people of Israel bewailed him with great lamentation, and they mourned for him m…
484 9:21. And said: How is the mighty man fallen, that saved the people of Israel!
498 …9:35. And Jonathan sent his brother, a captain of the people, to desire the Nabutheans his friends…
535 …el: and Jonathan dwelt in Machmas, and Jonathan began there to judge the people, and he destroyed …
542 …10:7. And Jonathan came to Jerusalem, and read the letters in the hearing of all the people, and o…
581 …10:46. Now when Jonathan and the people heard these words, they gave no credit to them, nor receiv…
615 …n ambush behind him, and they surrounded his army, and cast darts at the people from morning till …
616 …10:81. But the people stood still, as Jonathan had commanded them: and so their horses were fatigu…
622 10:87. And Jonathan returned into Jerusalem with his people, having many spoils.
666 … sent to Jonathan, saying: I will not only do this for thee, and for thy people, but I will greatl…
702 …st, and the ancients of the nation, and the priests, and the rest of the people of the Jews, to th…
731 …12:35. And Jonathan came back, and called together the ancients of the people; and he took a resol…
740 12:44. And he said to Jonathan: Why hast thou troubled all the people, whereas we have no war?
752 …13:2. And seeing that the people was in dread and in fear, he went up to Jerusalem, and assembled …
757 13:7. And the spirit of the people was enkindled as soon as they heard these words:
767 …dren to be sent, lest he should bring upon himself a great hatred of the people of Israel, who mig…
792 …13:42. And the people of Israel began to write in the instruments, and public records, The first y…
818 …14:14. And he strengthened all those of his people that were brought low, and he sought the law, a…
824 …e high priest, and to the ancients, and the priests, and the rest of the people of the Jews, their…
825 …14:21. The ambassadors that were sent to our people, have told us of your glory, and honour, and j…
826 …14:22. And we registered what was said by them in the councils of the people, in this manner: Nume…
827 …t pleased the people to receive the men honourably, and to put a copy of their words in the public…
828 …weight of a thousand pounds, to confirm the league with them. And when the people of Rome had heard
832 …14:28. In a great assembly of the priests, and of the people, and the princes of the nation, and t…
834 …nathan gathered together his nation, and was made their high priest, and he was laid to his people.
839people seeing the acts of Simon, and to what glory he meant to bring his nation, made him their pr…
848 …14:44. And that it should not be lawful for any of the people, or of the priests, to disannul any …
850 14:46. And it pleased all the people to establish Simon, and to do according to these words.
854 …isles of the sea to Simon, the priest, and prince of the nation of the Jews, and to all the people:
870 …former friendship and alliance, being sent from Simon, the high priest, and the people of the Jews.
877 15:24. And they wrote a copy thereof to Simon, the high priest, and to the people of the Jews.
888 …15:35. And as to thy complaints concerning Joppe and Gazara, they did great harm to the people, an…
892 …d up Gedor, and to fortify the gates of the city, and to war against the people. But the king hims…
893 …Cendebeus came to Jamnia, and began to provoke the people, and to ravage Judea, and to take the pe…
895 …John came up from Gazara, and told Simon, his father, what Cendebeus had done against their people.
900 …16:6. And he and his people pitched their camp over against them, and he saw that the people were …
901 …16:7. And he divided the people, and set the horsemen in the midst of the footmen: but the horseme…