Lines Matching refs:children

34  1:34. And they took the women captive, and the children, and the cattle they possessed.
40 …e habitation of strangers, and she became a stranger to her own seed, and her children forsook her.
50 …1:51. And that they should leave their children uncircumcised, and let their souls be defiled with…
61 …1:63. Now the women that circumcised their children were slain according to the commandment of kin…
62 …1:64. And they hanged the children about their neck in all their houses: and those that had circum…
94 …2:30. And they abode there, they and their children, and their wives, and their cattle: because af…
102 …battle on the sabbath: and they were slain, with their wives, and their children, and their cattle…
110 …2:46. And they circumcised all the children whom they found in the confines of Israel that were un…
111 2:47. And they pursued after the children of pride, and the work prospered in their hands:
149 …the host of the wicked went up with him, strong succours, to be revenged of the children of Israel.
154 …solent multitude, and with pride, to destroy us, and our wives, and our children, and to take our …
175 …old in abundance, and servants: and they came into the camp, to buy the children of Israel for sla…
179 …ke a desert: there was none of her children that went in or out: and the sanctuary was trodden dow…
256 …5:3. Then Judas fought against the children of Esau in Idumea, and them that were in Acrabathane: …
257 …5:4. And he remembered the malice of the children of Bean: who were a snare and a stumblingblock t…
259 …5:6. Then he passed over to the children of Ammon, where he found a mighty power, and much people,…
266 …of Tubin, are killed: and they have carried away their wives, and their children, captives, and ta…
276 …th him those that were in Galilee and in Arbatis, with their wives, and children, and all that the…
298 …and of Galaad, from the least even to the greatest, and their wives and children, and an army exce…
318 …5:65. Then Judas and his brethren went forth and attacked the children of Esau, in the land toward…
393 … wicked Alcimus he made high priest, and commanded him to take revenge upon the children of Israel.
397 …7:13. And first the Assideans, that were among the children of Israel, and they sought peace of th…
405 …7:23. And Judas saw all the evils that Alcimus, and they that were with him, did to the children o…
442 …d many of them were slain, and they carried away their wives, and their children captives, and spo…
499 …9:36. And the children of Jambri came forth out of Madaba, and took John, and all that he had, and…
500 …9:37. After this it was told Jonathan, and Simon, his brother, that the children of Jambri made a …
528 …9:66. And struck Odares, and his brethren, and the children of Phaseron, in their tents, and he be…
756 …13:6. I will avenge then my nation and the sanctuary, and our children, and wives: for all the hea…
767 …he spoke deceitfully to him; nevertheless, he ordered the money and the children to be sent, lest …
768 13:18. Because he sent not the money and the children therefore is he lost.
769 13:19. So he sent the children and the hundred talents and he lied, and did not let Jonathan go.
795 …13:45. And they that were in the city went up, with their wives and children, upon the wall, with …
833 …14:29. And Simon, the son of Mathathias, of the children of Jarib, and his brethren, have put them…