Lines Matching refs:by

40 …1:40. And the inhabitants of Jerusalem fled away by reason of them and the city was made the habit…
45 …1:46. And the king sent letters by the hands of messengers to Jerusalem, and to all the cities of …
59 …1:61. Thus by their power did they deal with the people of Israel, that were found in the cities m…
74 …ive; her old men are murdered in the streets, and her young men are fallen by the sword of the ene…
90 2:26. And shewed zeal for the law, as Phinees did by Zamri, the son of Salomi.
118 …2:54. Phinees, our father, by being fervent in the zeal of God, received the covenant of an everla…
121 2:57. David, by his mercy, obtained the throne of an everlasting kingdom.
123 2:59. Ananias and Azarias and Misael, by believing, were delivered out of the flame.
128 …2:64. You, therefore, my sons, take courage, and behave manfully in the law: for by it you shall b…
134 …2:70. And he died in the hundred and forty-sixth year: and he was buried by his sons in the sepulc…
158 …3:24. And he pursued him by the descent of Bethoron, even to the plain, and there fell of them eig…
170 …3:36. And that he should settle strangers, to dwell in all their coasts, and divide their land by
195 … five thousand men, and a thousand of the best horsemen; and they removed out of the camp by night.
199 …4:5. And Gorgias came by night into the camp of Judas, and found no man; and he sought them in the…
209 …4:15. But all the hindmost of them fell by the sword and they pursued them as far as Gezeron, and …
223 … art thou, O Saviour of Israel, who didst break the violence of the mighty by the hand of thy serv…
257 …the children of Bean: who were a snare and a stumblingblock to the people, by lying in wait for th…
258 …5:5. And they were shut up by him in towers, and he set upon them, and devoted them to utter destr…
269 …o consider what they should do for their brethren that were in trouble, and were assaulted by them.
281 …march into the desert, to Bosor, and took the city: and he slew every male by the edge of the swor…
282 5:29. And they removed from thence by night, and went till they came to the fortress.
295 …5:42. Now when Judas came near the torrent of water, he set the scribes of the people by the torre…
315 5:62. But they were not of the seed of those men by whom salvation was brought to Israel.
327 …put to flight before the face of the Jews, and that they were grown strong by the armour, and powe…
356 …6:35. And they distributed the beasts by the legions: and there stood by every elephant a thousand…
361 …6:40. And part of the king's army was distinguished by the high mountains, and the other part by t…
366 …t of the legion, killing on the right hand, and on the left, and they fell by him on this side and…
411 … and they saluted one another peaceably: and the enemies were prepared to take away Judas by force.
420 …7:38. Be avenged of this man, and his army, and let them fall by the sword: remember their blasphe…
423 …7:41. O Lord, when they that were sent by king Sennacherib blasphemed thee, an angel went out, and…
435 …ver and of gold that are there, and had gotten possession of all the place by their counsel and pa…
438 …ndred and twenty elephants, with horsemen, and chariots, and a very great army, was routed by them.
454 …. 8:23. GOOD SUCCESS BE TO THE ROMANS, and to the people of the Jews by sea, and by land, for ever…
463 …to us complaining of thee, we will do them justice, and will make war against thee by sea and land.
478 9:15. And the right wing was discomfited by them, and he pursued them even to the mount Azotus.
496 … were with them: and they fled into the desert of Thecua, and they pitched by the water of the lak…
530 …9:68. And they fought against Bacchides, and he was discomfited by them: and they afflicted him ex…
588 …10:53. And have joined battle with him, and both he and his army have been destroyed by us, and we…
597 …, and that he shonld be clothed with purple: and they did so. And the king made him sit by himself.
617 …and attacked the legion: for the horsemen were wearied: and they were discomfited by him, and fled.
620 …10:85. So they that were slain by the sword, with them that were burnt, were almost eight thousand…
625 …e sea shore, and many ships: and he sought to get the kingdom of Alexander by deceit, and join it …
632 …11:8. And king Ptolemee got the dominion of the cities by the sea side, even to Seleucia, and he d…
642 …the third day after: and they that were in the strong holds were destroyed by them that were withi…
690 …11:67. And Jonathan and his army encamped by the water of Genesar, and before it was light they we…
765 …d thy brother, Jonathan, for the money that he owed in the king's account, by reason of the affair…
770 …13:20. And after this, Tryphon entered within the country, to destroy it: and they went about by t…
779 …upon the pillars, arms, for a perpetual memory; and by the arms, ships carved, which might be seen…
826 …14:22. And we registered what was said by them in the councils of the people, in this manner: Nume…
838 …14:34. And he fortified Joppe, which lieth by the sea: and Gazara, which bordereth upon Azotus, wh…
839 … the justice and faith which he kept to his nation, and for that he sought by all means to advance…
847 …14:43. And that he should have care of the holy places; and that he should be obeyed by all, and t…
864 15:11. And king Antiochus pursued after him, and he fled along by the sea coast and came to Dora.
867 …. And he invested the city, and the ships drew near by sea: and they annoyed the city by land, and…
886 …n's, but the inheritance of our fathers, which was for some time unjustly possessed by our enemies.
890 15:37. And Tryphon fled away by ship to Orthosias.