Lines Matching refs:now

50 …* Fixed StreamHandler thread safety - chunk size set to 2GB now to avoid interlacing when doing co…
58 …* Added support for millisecond write timeouts in SocketHandler, you can now pass floats to setWri…
77 …* Added `JSON_INVALID_UTF8_SUBSTITUTE` to default json flags, so that invalid UTF8 characters now
81 …* NormalizerFormatter::addJsonEncodeOption and removeJsonEncodeOption are now public to allow modi…
109 …* BC Break: Logger methods log/debug/info/notice/warning/error/critical/alert/emergency now have e…
118 * BC Break: PHP 7.2 is now the minimum required PHP version.
134 * BC Break: PHP 7.1 is now the minimum required PHP version.
137 * BC Break: The record timezone is now set per Logger instance and not statically anymore
142 …* Added DateTimeImmutable support, all record datetime are now immutable, and will toString/json s…
147 …Handler to send records via the official ES library. Elastica users should now use ElasticaHandler…
215 …* Added protection to NormalizerFormatter against circular and very deep structures, it now stops …
225 * Fixed naming of fields in Slack handler, all field names are now capitalized in all cases
309 …* Fixed JSON encoding errors that would gobble up the whole log record, we now handle those more g…
378 …* Break: HandlerInterface::isHandling now receives a partial record containing only a level key. T…
381 …ongoDBFormatter to support better storage with MongoDBHandler (it must be enabled manually for now)
392 …* Break: The NewRelicHandler extra and context data are now prefixed with extra_ and context_ to a…
436 …* Break: the LineFormatter now strips newlines by default because this was a bug, set $allowInline…
481 …ed normalization of Traversables with very large data sets, only the first 1000 items are shown now
518 …* Added PSR-3 compliance, the `Monolog\Logger` class is now an instance of `Psr\Log\LoggerInterfac…