Lines Matching refs:in

12   * Added support for keeping native BSON types as is in MongoDBFormatter (#1620)
13 …* Added support for a `user_agent` key in WebProcessor, disabled by default but you can use it by …
14 * Added support for username/userIcon in SlackWebhookHandler (#1617)
23 …* Fixed regression in StreamHandler since 2.3.3 on systems with the memory_limit set to >=20GB (#1…
57 …ica 7, and deprecated the $type argument of ElasticaFormatter which is not in use anymore as of El…
58 …* Added support for millisecond write timeouts in SocketHandler, you can now pass floats to setWri…
59 …* Added support for unix sockets in SyslogUdpHandler (set $port to 0 to make the $host a unix sock…
62 …* Added support for configuring handlers with numeric level values in strings (coming from e.g. en…
64 * Fixed PHP 8 issues in SyslogUdpHandler
70 * Fixed type hint of $level not accepting strings in SendGridHandler and OverflowHandler
72 * Fixed array access on null in RavenHandler
73 * Fixed unique_id in WebProcessor not being disableable
84 * Fixed support for relative paths in RotatingFileHandler
89 * Fixed normalization of SoapFault objects containing non-strings as "detail" in LineFormatter
90 * Fixed formatting of resources in JsonFormatter
91 …* Fixed RedisHandler failing to use MULTI properly when passed a proxied Redis instance (e.g. in S…
98 …* Fixed setFormatter/getFormatter to forward to the nested handler in FilterHandler, FingersCrosse…
103 …* Fixed ChromePHPHandler to avoid sending more data than latest Chrome versions allow in headers (…
104 …* Fixed type error in BrowserConsoleHandler when the context array of log records was not associat…
111 * Fixed support for UTF-8 when cutting strings to avoid cutting a multibyte-character in half
112 * Fixed normalizers handling of exception backtraces to avoid serializing arguments in some cases
113 * Fixed date timezone handling in SyslogUdpHandler
126 …* Fixed issue in GroupHandler and WhatFailureGroupHandler where setting multiple processors would …
128 * Fixed issue in SignalHandler restarting syscalls functionality
129 * Improved performance of LogglyHandler when sending multiple logs in a single request
141 …* Added scalar type hints and return hints in all the places it was possible. Switched strict_type…
148 …s further down the configuration, useful for temporarily disabling a handler in configuration files
152 * Added support for the PHP 7.x `mongodb` extension in the MongoDBHandler
153 * Fixed many minor issues in various handlers, and probably added a few regressions too
165 * Fixed array access on null in RavenHandler
166 * Fixed unique_id in WebProcessor not being disableable
172 * Fixed support for relative paths in RotatingFileHandler
176 * Fixed formatting of resources in JsonFormatter
177 …* Fixed RedisHandler failing to use MULTI properly when passed a proxied Redis instance (e.g. in S…
184 …* Fixed setFormatter/getFormatter to forward to the nested handler in FilterHandler, FingersCrosse…
201 …* Fixed issue in GroupHandler and WhatFailureGroupHandler where setting multiple processors would …
202 * Fixed issue in SignalHandler restarting syscalls functionality
203 * Fixed normalizers handling of exception backtraces to avoid serializing arguments in some cases
205 …* Fixed ChromePHPHandler to avoid sending more data than latest Chrome versions allow in headers (…
210 * Added a `ResettableInterface` in order to reset/reset/clear/flush handlers and processors
219 …* Added SocketHandler::setChunkSize to override the default chunk size in case you must send large…
223 * Dropped official support for HHVM in test builds
225 * Fixed naming of fields in Slack handler, all field names are now capitalized in all cases
227 * Fixed normalization of objects in Slack handlers
228 * Fixed support for PHP7's Throwable in NewRelicHandler
230 * Fixed table row styling issues in HtmlFormatter
241 * Fixed support for headless Chrome in ChromePHPHandler
242 * Fixed support for latest Aws SDK in DynamoDbHandler
243 * Fixed support for SwiftMailer 6.0+ in SwiftMailerHandler
247 * Fixed lots of minor issues in the new Slack integrations
248 * Fixed support for allowInlineLineBreaks in LineFormatter when formatting exception backtraces
254 * Added support for AWS SDK v3 in DynamoDbHandler
264 …* Added support for more formats in RotatingFileHandler::setFilenameFormat as long as they have Y,…
266 * Added information about SoapFault instances in NormalizerFormatter
273 * Added ability to override addRow/addTitle in HtmlFormatter
281 …* Break: StreamHandler will not close streams automatically that it does not own. If you pass in a…
283 …* Added ability to use `%message%` and other LineFormatter replacements in the subject line of ema…
301 …* Added possibility to skip some extra stack frames in IntrospectionProcessor if you have some lib…
305 * Added support for replacing context sub-keys using `%context.*%` in LineFormatter
306 * Added support for `payload` context value in RollbarHandler
308 * Added support for `fingerprint` context value in RavenHandler
310 …* Fixed write timeouts in SocketHandler and derivatives, set to 10sec by default, lower it with `s…
311 * Fixed PHP7 compatibility with regard to Exception/Throwable handling in a few places
326 * Added support for `checksum` and `release` context/extra values in RavenHandler
327 * Added better support for exceptions in RollbarHandler
329 * Added support for showing the resource type in NormalizedFormatter
336 * Added $capSize in RedisHandler to cap the log size
338 * Fixed bug in the handling of curl failures
339 …ng of fatal errors when both error and fatal error handlers are registered in monolog's ErrorHandl…
347 …* Added retry functionality to Loggly, Cube and Mandrill handlers so they retry up to 5 times in c…
349 * Fixed HTML/JS escaping in BrowserConsoleHandler
355 * Added support for objects implementing __toString in the NormalizerFormatter
356 * Added support for HipChat's v2 API in HipChatHandler
357 …* Added Logger::setTimezone() to initialize the timezone monolog should use in case date.timezone …
363 * Fixed regression in HipChat requiring a new token to be created
369 * Added HipChat API v2 support in the HipChatHandler
372 * Added ability to customize the Swift_Message per-email in SwiftMailerHandler
374 * Fixed serialization of INF and NaN values in Normalizer and LineFormatter
378 …tly speaking a BC break and you should check if you relied on any other field in your own handlers.
382 * Added exception codes in the output of most formatters
383 …* Added LineFormatter::includeStacktraces to enable exception stack traces in logs (uses more than…
388 * Fixed some non-standard behaviors in SyslogUdpHandler
400 * Added support for PhpAmqpLib in the AmqpHandler
401 …* Added FingersCrossedHandler::clear and BufferHandler::clear to reset them between batches in lon…
402 * Added support for adding extra fields from $_SERVER in the WebProcessor
403 * Fixed support for non-string values in PrsLogMessageProcessor
404 * Fixed SwiftMailer messages being sent with the wrong date in long running scripts
412 * Added support for extra data in NewRelicHandler
417 * Fixed regression in RotatingFileHandler file permissions
425 * Added $useFormatting flag to MemoryProcessor to make it send raw data in bytes
426 * Added support for table formatting in FirePHPHandler via the table context key
427 * Added a TagProcessor to add tags to records, and support for tags in RavenHandler
430 * Fixed multi-threading support in StreamHandler
437 …owserConsoleHandler to send logs to any browser's console via console.log() injection in the output
447 * Added support for tweaking the content type and encoding in NativeMailerHandler
448 * Added $skipClassesPartials to tweak the ignored classes in the IntrospectionProcessor
449 * Fixed batch request support in GelfHandler
478 …* Added support for message priorities in PushoverHandler, see $highPriorityLevel and $emergencyLe…
482 * Fixed issue in RotatingFileHandler when an open_basedir restriction is active
483 * Fixed minor issues in RavenHandler and bumped the API to Raven 0.5.0
488 * Added ProcessIdProcessor to inject the PID in log records
490 * Added support for previous exceptions in the LineFormatter exception serialization
496 * Fixed exception formatting in the LineFormatter to be more minimalistic
498 …* Fixed log rotation in RotatingFileHandler to work with long running scripts spanning multiple da…
506 …* Added the possibility to pass arrays of handlers and processors directly in the Logger construct…
509 * Fixed header injection capability in the NativeMailHandler
524 * Added support for the new MongoClient class in MongoDBHandler
533 * Fixed fatal error in SyslogHandler
539 * Added NativeMailerHandler::addHeader() to send custom headers in mails
540 * Added the possibility to specify more than one recipient in NativeMailerHandler
541 * Added the possibility to specify float timeouts in SocketHandler
546 * Fixed the default format of the SyslogHandler to avoid duplicating datetimes in syslog
558 * Added possibility to show microseconds in logs
563 * Fixed bug in IE with large response headers and FirePHPHandler
573 * Fixed WebProcessor in CLI