Lines Matching refs:Fixed

4 * Fixed AsMonologProcessor syntax to be compatible with PHP 7.2 (#1651)
17 …* Fixed error handler signature to accept a null $context which happens with internal PHP errors (…
18 * Fixed a few setter methods not returning `self` (#1609)
19 * Fixed handling of records going over the max Telegram message length (#1616)
23 …* Fixed regression in StreamHandler since 2.3.3 on systems with the memory_limit set to >=20GB (#1…
27 * Fixed support for psr/log 3.x (#1589)
31 …* Fixed memory usage when using StreamHandler and calling stream_get_contents on the resource you …
32 * Fixed support for psr/log 2.x (#1587)
33 * Fixed some type annotations
37 * Fixed compatibility with PHP 7.2 - 7.4 when experiencing PCRE errors (#1568)
41 …* Fixed Utils::getClass handling of anonymous classes not being fully compatible with PHP 8 (#1563)
42 * Fixed some `@inheritDoc` annotations having the wrong case
48 …* Fixed FilterHandler not calling reset on its internal handler when reset() is called on it (#153…
49 * Fixed SyslogUdpHandler not setting the timezone correctly on DateTimeImmutable instances (#1540)
50 …* Fixed StreamHandler thread safety - chunk size set to 2GB now to avoid interlacing when doing co…
63 * Fixed Wildfire/FirePHP/ChromePHP handling of unicode characters
64 * Fixed PHP 8 issues in SyslogUdpHandler
65 * Fixed internal type error when mbstring is missing
69 * Fixed removing of json encoding options
70 * Fixed type hint of $level not accepting strings in SendGridHandler and OverflowHandler
71 * Fixed SwiftMailerHandler not accepting email templates with an empty subject
72 * Fixed array access on null in RavenHandler
73 * Fixed unique_id in WebProcessor not being disableable
82 * Fixed GitProcessor type error when there is no git repo present
83 * Fixed normalization of SoapFault objects containing deeply nested objects as "detail"
84 * Fixed support for relative paths in RotatingFileHandler
88 * Fixed ElasticsearchHandler swallowing exceptions details when failing to index log records
89 * Fixed normalization of SoapFault objects containing non-strings as "detail" in LineFormatter
90 * Fixed formatting of resources in JsonFormatter
91 …* Fixed RedisHandler failing to use MULTI properly when passed a proxied Redis instance (e.g. in S…
92 * Fixed FilterHandler triggering a notice when handleBatch was filtering all records passed to it
93 * Fixed Turkish locale messing up the conversion of level names to their constant values
97 * Fixed normalization of Traversables to avoid traversing them as not all of them are rewindable
98 …* Fixed setFormatter/getFormatter to forward to the nested handler in FilterHandler, FingersCrosse…
99 * Fixed BrowserConsoleHandler formatting when using multiple styles
100 …* Fixed normalization of exception codes to be always integers even for PDOException which have th…
101 * Fixed normalization of SoapFault objects containing non-strings as "detail"
102 …* Fixed json encoding across all handlers to always attempt recovery of non-UTF-8 strings instead …
103 …* Fixed ChromePHPHandler to avoid sending more data than latest Chrome versions allow in headers (…
104 …* Fixed type error in BrowserConsoleHandler when the context array of log records was not associat…
111 * Fixed support for UTF-8 when cutting strings to avoid cutting a multibyte-character in half
112 * Fixed normalizers handling of exception backtraces to avoid serializing arguments in some cases
113 * Fixed date timezone handling in SyslogUdpHandler
125 * Fixed DeduplicationHandler silently failing to start when file could not be opened
126 …* Fixed issue in GroupHandler and WhatFailureGroupHandler where setting multiple processors would …
127 * Fixed GelfFormatter losing some data when one attachment was too long
128 * Fixed issue in SignalHandler restarting syscalls functionality
153 * Fixed many minor issues in various handlers, and probably added a few regressions too
157 * Fixed PHP 8.1 deprecation warning
165 * Fixed array access on null in RavenHandler
166 * Fixed unique_id in WebProcessor not being disableable
170 * Fixed GitProcessor type error when there is no git repo present
171 * Fixed normalization of SoapFault objects containing deeply nested objects as "detail"
172 * Fixed support for relative paths in RotatingFileHandler
176 * Fixed formatting of resources in JsonFormatter
177 …* Fixed RedisHandler failing to use MULTI properly when passed a proxied Redis instance (e.g. in S…
178 * Fixed FilterHandler triggering a notice when handleBatch was filtering all records passed to it
179 * Fixed Turkish locale messing up the conversion of level names to their constant values
183 * Fixed normalization of Traversables to avoid traversing them as not all of them are rewindable
184 …* Fixed setFormatter/getFormatter to forward to the nested handler in FilterHandler, FingersCrosse…
185 * Fixed BrowserConsoleHandler formatting when using multiple styles
186 …* Fixed normalization of exception codes to be always integers even for PDOException which have th…
187 * Fixed normalization of SoapFault objects containing non-strings as "detail"
188 …* Fixed json encoding across all handlers to always attempt recovery of non-UTF-8 strings instead …
192 * Fixed forward-compatible interfaces to be compatible with Monolog 1.x too.
201 …* Fixed issue in GroupHandler and WhatFailureGroupHandler where setting multiple processors would …
202 * Fixed issue in SignalHandler restarting syscalls functionality
203 * Fixed normalizers handling of exception backtraces to avoid serializing arguments in some cases
204 * Fixed ZendMonitorHandler to work with the latest Zend Server versions
205 …* Fixed ChromePHPHandler to avoid sending more data than latest Chrome versions allow in headers (…
224 …* Fixed normalization of exception traces when call_user_func is used to avoid serializing objects…
225 * Fixed naming of fields in Slack handler, all field names are now capitalized in all cases
226 * Fixed HipChatHandler bug where slack dropped messages randomly
227 * Fixed normalization of objects in Slack handlers
228 * Fixed support for PHP7's Throwable in NewRelicHandler
229 * Fixed race bug when StreamHandler sometimes incorrectly reported it failed to create a directory
230 * Fixed table row styling issues in HtmlFormatter
231 * Fixed RavenHandler dropping the message when logging exception
232 * Fixed WhatFailureGroupHandler skipping processors when using handleBatch
234 * Fixed display of anonymous class names
239 * Fixed GelfHandler truncation to be per field and not per message
240 * Fixed compatibility issue with PHP <5.3.6
241 * Fixed support for headless Chrome in ChromePHPHandler
242 * Fixed support for latest Aws SDK in DynamoDbHandler
243 * Fixed support for SwiftMailer 6.0+ in SwiftMailerHandler
247 * Fixed lots of minor issues in the new Slack integrations
248 * Fixed support for allowInlineLineBreaks in LineFormatter when formatting exception backtraces
255 * Fixed fatal errors occurring when normalizing generators that have been fully consumed
256 …* Fixed RollbarHandler to include a level (rollbar level), monolog_level (original name), channel …
257 …* Fixed RollbarHandler not flushing records automatically, calling close() explicitly is not neces…
258 * Fixed SyslogUdpHandler to avoid sending empty frames
259 * Fixed a few PHP 7.0 and 7.1 compatibility issues
276 * Fixed WhatFailureGroupHandler to work with PHP7 throwables
277 * Fixed a few minor bugs
284 * Fixed HipChatHandler handling of long messages
288 * Fixed ElasticaFormatter to use more precise dates
289 * Fixed GelfMessageFormatter sending too long messages
293 * Fixed SlackHandler bug where slack dropped messages randomly
294 * Fixed RedisHandler issue when using with the PHPRedis extension
295 * Fixed AmqpHandler content-type being incorrectly set when using with the AMQP extension
296 * Fixed BrowserConsoleHandler regression
309 …* Fixed JSON encoding errors that would gobble up the whole log record, we now handle those more g…
310 …* Fixed write timeouts in SocketHandler and derivatives, set to 10sec by default, lower it with `s…
311 * Fixed PHP7 compatibility with regard to Exception/Throwable handling in a few places
315 * Fixed ErrorHandler compatibility with non-Monolog PSR-3 loggers
316 * Fixed SlackHandler handling to use slack functionalities better
317 * Fixed SwiftMailerHandler bug when sending multiple emails they all had the same id
318 * Fixed 5.3 compatibility regression
322 * Fixed RollbarHandler triggering PHP notices
330 * Fixed IntrospectionProcessor triggering PHP notices
337 * Fixed StreamHandler creation of directory to only trigger when the first log write happens
338 * Fixed bug in the handling of curl failures
339 …* Fixed duplicate logging of fatal errors when both error and fatal error handlers are registered …
340 * Fixed missing fatal errors records with handlers that need to be closed to flush log records
341 * Fixed TagProcessor::addTags support for associative arrays
348 …* Fixed process exit code being incorrectly reset to 0 if ErrorHandler::registerExceptionHandler w…
349 * Fixed HTML/JS escaping in BrowserConsoleHandler
350 * Fixed JSON encoding errors being silently suppressed (PHP 5.5+ only)
359 * Fixed curl errors being silently suppressed
363 * Fixed regression in HipChat requiring a new token to be created
373 * Fixed SwiftMailerHandler to lazily create message instances if a callback is provided
374 * Fixed serialization of INF and NaN values in Normalizer and LineFormatter
387 * Fixed MandrillHandler to avoid outputting API call responses
388 * Fixed some non-standard behaviors in SyslogUdpHandler
403 * Fixed support for non-string values in PrsLogMessageProcessor
404 * Fixed SwiftMailer messages being sent with the wrong date in long running scripts
405 * Fixed minor PHP 5.6 compatibility issues
406 * Fixed BufferHandler::close being called twice
417 * Fixed regression in RotatingFileHandler file permissions
418 * Fixed initialization of the BufferHandler to make sure it gets flushed after receiving records
419 * Fixed ChromePHPHandler and FirePHPHandler's activation strategies to be more conservative
430 * Fixed multi-threading support in StreamHandler
431 * Fixed empty headers issue when ChromePHPHandler received no records
432 * Fixed default format of the ErrorLogHandler
449 * Fixed batch request support in GelfHandler
463 …* Fixed RavenHandler batch processing so it takes the message from the record with highest priority
464 * Fixed HipChatHandler batch processing so it sends all messages at once
465 * Fixed issues with eAccelerator
466 * Fixed and improved many small things
480 …* Fixed RavenHandler's support for batch sending of messages (when behind a Buffer or FingersCross…
481 …* Fixed normalization of Traversables with very large data sets, only the first 1000 items are sho…
482 * Fixed issue in RotatingFileHandler when an open_basedir restriction is active
483 * Fixed minor issues in RavenHandler and bumped the API to Raven 0.5.0
484 * Fixed SyslogHandler issue when many were used concurrently with different facilities
492 * Fixed ChromePHPHandler so it avoids sending headers larger than Chrome can handle
496 * Fixed exception formatting in the LineFormatter to be more minimalistic
497 * Fixed RavenHandler's handling of context/extra data, requires Raven client >0.1.0
498 …* Fixed log rotation in RotatingFileHandler to work with long running scripts spanning multiple da…
499 * Fixed WebProcessor array access so it checks for data presence
500 * Fixed Buffer, Group and FingersCrossed handlers to make use of their processors
508 * Fixed ChromePHPHandler and FirePHPHandler issue when multiple instances are used simultaneously
509 * Fixed header injection capability in the NativeMailHandler
513 * Fixed LogstashFormatter to be usable with stream handlers
514 * Fixed GelfMessageFormatter levels on Windows
528 * Fixed normalization of objects with cyclic references
533 * Fixed fatal error in SyslogHandler
543 * Fixed the log records to use the php default timezone instead of UTC
544 * Fixed BufferHandler not being flushed properly on PHP fatal errors
545 * Fixed normalization of exotic resource types
546 * Fixed the default format of the SyslogHandler to avoid duplicating datetimes in syslog
563 * Fixed bug in IE with large response headers and FirePHPHandler
573 * Fixed WebProcessor in CLI