Lines Matching refs:promises

5 … size constant. Read [this blog post](
6 for a general introduction to promises.
28 - C# style async/await coroutine promises using
63 reject a promise with a *reason*. Resolving a promises triggers callbacks
64 registered with the promises's `then` method. These callbacks are triggered
101 subsequent promises in the chain to only be fulfilled when the returned promise
200 You can synchronously force promises to complete using a promise's `wait`
335 cancelled. Any promises waiting on the cancelled promise to resolve will also
388 This library works with foreign promises that have a `then` method. This means
389 you can use Guzzle promises with [React promises](
409 promise in order to utilize wait and cancel functions with foreign promises.
414 In order to keep the stack size constant, Guzzle promises are resolved
415 asynchronously using a task queue. When waiting on promises synchronously, the
417 any forwarded promises are resolved. When using promises asynchronously in an
419 you do not run the task queue, then promises will not be resolved.
430 For example, you could use Guzzle promises with React using a periodic timer:
445 By shuffling pending handlers from one owner to another, promises are
482 Some promise libraries implement promises using a deferred object to represent
492 also the deferred value, allowing promises of the same parent class to reach
493 into and modify the private properties of promises of the same type. While this
537 … been announced. Please see [Security Policy]( …
547 …/…