Lines Matching refs:Http

78 - Guzzle now uses `Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface` (implements in
310 ## Http section in Guzzle Upgrade Guide
321 - `Guzzle\Http\Url` has moved to `GuzzleHttp\Url`.
322 - `Guzzle\Http\QueryString` has moved to `GuzzleHttp\Query`.
488 - `Guzzle\Http\EntityBodyInterface` is now `GuzzleHttp\Stream\StreamInterface`
489 - `Guzzle\Http\EntityBody` is now `GuzzleHttp\Stream\Stream`
490 - `Guzzle\Http\CachingEntityBody` is now `GuzzleHttp\Stream\CachingStream`
491 - `Guzzle\Http\ReadLimitEntityBody` is now `GuzzleHttp\Stream\LimitStream`
492 - `Guzzle\Http\IoEmittyinEntityBody` has been removed.
573 it was `Guzzle\Http\Url::factory()`). If custom URL parsing is necessary,
603 - `Guzzle\Http\Plugin\BackoffPlugin` has been rewritten to be much simpler
606 - `Guzzle\Http\Plugin\Cache\CachePlugin` has moved to
608 - `Guzzle\Http\Plugin\Log\LogPlugin` has moved to
610 - `Guzzle\Http\Plugin\Md5\Md5Plugin` has moved to
612 - `Guzzle\Http\Plugin\Mock\MockPlugin` has moved to
614 - `Guzzle\Http\Plugin\Oauth\OauthPlugin` has moved to
633 on the responsibilities of `Guzzle\Http\EntityBody` and
634 `Guzzle\Http\EntityBodyInterface` now that they have been removed. The number
683 - Marked `Guzzle\Http\Message\Request::isResponseBodyRepeatable()` as deprecated. Use `$request->ge…
684 - Marked `Guzzle\Http\Message\Request::canCache()` as deprecated. Use `Guzzle\Plugin\Cache\DefaultC…
685 - Marked `Guzzle\Http\Message\Request::canCache()` as deprecated. Use `Guzzle\Plugin\Cache\DefaultC…
686 - Marked `Guzzle\Http\Message\Request::setIsRedirect()` as deprecated. Use the HistoryPlugin instea…
687 - Marked `Guzzle\Http\Message\Request::isRedirect()` as deprecated. Use the HistoryPlugin instead.
703 - Marked 'request.params' for `Guzzle\Http\Client` as deprecated. Use `$client->setDefaultOption('p…
724 - Added an `$options` argument to the end of the following methods of `Guzzle\Http\ClientInterface`:
726 - Added an `$options` argument to the end of `Guzzle\Http\Message\Request\RequestFactoryInterface::…
727 - Added an `applyOptions()` method to `Guzzle\Http\Message\Request\RequestFactoryInterface`
728 - Changed `Guzzle\Http\ClientInterface::get($uri = null, $headers = null, $body = null)` to
729 …`Guzzle\Http\ClientInterface::get($uri = null, $headers = null, $options = array())`. You can stil…
734 - Made `Guzzle\Http\Client::expandTemplate` and `getUriTemplate` protected methods.
739 - Removed `Guzzle\Http\ClientInterface::setDefaultHeaders(). Use
744 - Removed `Guzzle\Http\ClientInterface::getDefaultHeaders(). Use `$client->getConfig()->getPath('re…
745 - Removed `Guzzle\Http\ClientInterface::expandTemplate()`. This is an implementation detail.
746 - Removed `Guzzle\Http\ClientInterface::setRequestFactory()`. This is an implementation detail.
747 - Removed `Guzzle\Http\ClientInterface::getCurlMulti()`. This is a very specific implementation det…
748 - Removed `Guzzle\Http\Message\RequestInterface::canCache`. Use the CachePlugin.
749 - Removed `Guzzle\Http\Message\RequestInterface::setIsRedirect`. Use the HistoryPlugin.
750 - Removed `Guzzle\Http\Message\RequestInterface::isRedirect`. Use the HistoryPlugin.
781 If you previously relied on Guzzle\Http\Message\Header::raw(), then you will need to update your co…
786 * Removed from interface: Guzzle\Http\ClientInterface::setUriTemplate
787 * Removed from interface: Guzzle\Http\ClientInterface::setCurlMulti()
788 * Removed Guzzle\Http\Message\Request::receivedRequestHeader() and implemented this functionality in
789 Guzzle\Http\Curl\RequestMediator
791 * Removed the optional $tryChunkedTransfer option from Guzzle\Http\Message\EntityEnclosingRequestIn…
792 * Removed the $asObjects argument from Guzzle\Http\Message\MessageInterface::getHeaders()
802 * Guzzle\Http\Message\Header::hasExactHeader
803 * Guzzle\Http\Message\Header::raw. Use getAll()
804 * Deprecated cache control specific methods on Guzzle\Http\Message\AbstractMessage. Use the CacheCo…
816 * Added `Guzzle\Http\Message\RequestInterface::startResponse()` to the RequestInterface to handle i…
830 `Guzzle\Http\Message\Response::getEtag()` no longer strips quotes around the ETag response header
832 ### Removed `Guzzle\Http\Utils`
834 The `Guzzle\Http\Utils` class was removed. This class was only used for testing.
858 $multi = new Guzzle\Http\Curl\CurlMulti();
888 The exception message for `Guzzle\Http\Exception\BadResponseException` no longer contains the full …
894 Multi-valued query parameters are no longer aggregated using a callback function. `Guzzle\Http\Quer…
895 setAggregator() method that accepts a `Guzzle\Http\QueryAggregator\QueryAggregatorInterface` object…
1126 ### Guzzle\Http\Plugin
1130 ### Guzzle\Http\Plugin\LogPlugin and Guzzle\Common\Log
1138 use Guzzle\Http\Plugin\LogPlugin;
1140 /** @var \Guzzle\Http\Client */
1154 /** @var \Guzzle\Http\Client */
1161 ### Guzzle\Http\Plugin\CurlAuthPlugin
1165 ### Guzzle\Http\Plugin\ExponentialBackoffPlugin
1172 use Guzzle\Http\Plugin\ExponentialBackoffPlugin;