Lines Matching refs:fix

18 * idn_to_ascii() fix for old PHP versions [#2489](
39 * No `guzzle.phar` was created in 6.4.0 due expired API token. This release will fix that
66 * Bug fix: Parsing 0 epoch expiry times in cookies [#2014](…
68 * Bug fix: Malformed domain that contains a "/" [#1999](
69 * Bug fix: Undefined offset when a cookie has no first key-value pair [#1998](…
71 * Bug fix: Support empty headers [#1915](
72 * Bug fix: Ignore case during header modifications [#1916](…
85 * Bug fix: PHP 7.x fixes [#1685](, [#1686](https://githu…
92 * Bug fix: Fill `CURLOPT_CAPATH` and `CURLOPT_CAINFO` properly [#1684](…
123 * Bug fix: Fix sleep calculation when waiting for delayed requests.
127 * Bug fix: defer sink stream opening in StreamHandler.
129 * Bug fix: do not attempt to escape cookie values.
133 * Bug fix: rewind seekable request bodies before dispatching to cURL.
135 * Bug fix: provide an empty string to `http_build_query` for HHVM workaround.
140 * Bug fix: Proxy::wrapSync() now correctly proxies to the appropriate handler
144 * Bug fix: setting verify to false in the StreamHandler now disables peer
150 * Bug fix: fixed regression where MockHandler was not using `sink`.
165 * Bug fix: Now correctly parsing `=` inside of quotes in Cookies.
167 * Bug fix: Cusotm cURL options now correctly override curl options of the
169 * Bug fix: Content-Type header is now added when using an explicitly provided
171 * Bug fix: Now ignoring Set-Cookie headers that have no name.
172 * Bug fix: Reason phrase is no longer cast to an int in some cases in the
174 * Bug fix: Remove the Authorization header when redirecting if the Host
176 * Bug fix: Cookie path matching fixes
178 * Bug fix: Fixing the cURL `body_as_string` setting
180 * Bug fix: quotes are no longer stripped when parsing cookies.
182 * Bug fix: `form_params` and `query` now always uses the `&` separator.
184 * Bug fix: Adding a Content-Length to PHP stream wrapper requests if not set.
653 * CURLOPT_PROGRESS function fix for PHP 5.5 (69fcc1e)
667 * Bug fix: 0 is now an allowed value in a description parameter that has a default value (#430)
668 * Bug fix: SchemaFormatter now returns an integer when formatting to a Unix timestamp
670 * Bug fix: Cleaned up and fixed URL dot segment removal to properly resolve internal dots
683 * Bug fix: ChunkedIterator can now properly chunk a \Traversable as well as an \Iterator.
684 * Bug fix: FilterIterator now relies on `\Iterator` instead of `\Traversable`.
685 * Bug fix: Gracefully handling malformed responses in RequestMediator::writeResponseBody()
686 * Bug fix: Replaced call to canCache with canCacheRequest in the CallbackCanCacheStrategy of the Ca…
687 * Bug fix: Visiting XML attributes first before visiting XML children when serializing requests
688 * Bug fix: Properly parsing headers that contain commas contained in quotes
689 * Bug fix: mimetype guessing based on a filename is now case-insensitive
693 * Bug fix: Properly URL encoding paths when using the PHP-only version of the UriTemplate expander
695 * Bug fix: Cookie domains are now matched correctly according to RFC 6265
697 * Bug fix: GET parameters are now used when calculating an OAuth signature
698 * Bug fix: Fixed an issue with cache revalidation where the If-None-Match header was being double q…
708 * Bug fix: Setting default options on a client now works
709 * Bug fix: Setting options on HEAD requests now works. See #352
710 * Bug fix: Moving stream factory before send event to before building the stream. See #353
711 * Bug fix: Cookies no longer match on IP addresses per RFC 6265
712 * Bug fix: Correctly parsing header parameters that are in `<>` and quotes
866 * Bug fix: Fixing bug introduced in 3.4.2 where redirect responses are duplicated on the final redi…
871 * Bug fix: Stream objects now work correctly with "a" and "a+" modes
872 * Bug fix: Removing `Transfer-Encoding: chunked` header when a Content-Length is present
873 * Bug fix: AsyncPlugin no longer forces HEAD requests
874 * Bug fix: DateTime timezones are now properly handled when using the service description schema fo…
875 * Bug fix: CachePlugin now properly handles stale-if-error directives when a request to the origin …
891 * Bug fix: Model names are now properly set even when using $refs
899 * Bug fix: URLs are now resolved correctly based on…
900 * Bug fix: Absolute URLs with a path in a service description will now properly override the base U…
901 * Bug fix: Parsing a query string with a single PHP array value will now result in an array. #263
902 * Bug fix: Better normalization of the User-Agent header to prevent duplicate headers. #264.
903 * Bug fix: Added `number` type to service descriptions.
904 * Bug fix: empty parameters are removed from an OAuth signature
905 * Bug fix: Revalidating a cache entry prefers the Last-Modified over the Date header
906 * Bug fix: Fixed "array to string" error when validating a union of types in a service description
907 * Bug fix: Removed code that attempted to determine the size of a stream when data is written to th…
908 * Bug fix: Not including an `oauth_token` if the value is null in the OauthPlugin.
909 * Bug fix: Now correctly aggregating successful requests and failed requests in CurlMulti when a re…
930 * Bug fix: Running any filters when parsing response headers with service descriptions
931 * Bug fix: OauthPlugin fixes to allow for multi-dimensional array signing, and sorting parameters b…
932 * Bug fix: Removed the adding of default empty arrays and false Booleans to responses in order to b…
934 * Bug fix: Removed the possibility of creating configuration files with circular dependencies
941 * Bug fix: Added 'wb' as a valid write mode for streams
942 * Bug fix: `Guzzle\Http\Message\Response::json()` now allows scalar values to be returned
943 * Bug fix: Fixed bug in `Guzzle\Http\Message\Response` where wrapping quotes were stripped from `ge…
976 * Bug fix: Filters were not always invoked for array service description parameters
977 * Bug fix: Redirects now use a target response body rather than a temporary response body
978 * Bug fix: The default exponential backoff BackoffPlugin was not giving when the request threshold …
979 * Bug fix: Guzzle now takes the first found value when grabbing Cache-Control directives
1196 * Bug fix: CachePlugin now only caches GET and HEAD requests by default
1197 * Bug fix: Using header glue when transferring headers over the wire
1287 * Adding a fix for CurlMulti so that if all of the connections encounter some sort of curl error, t…