Lines Matching refs:to

8 This plugin adds export capabilities to all amCharts products - charts and maps.
10 It allows annotating and exporting chart or related data to various bitmap,
17 Please note that due to security measures implemented in modern browsers, some
39 (this needs to go after all the other amCharts includes)
80 The plugin relies on a number of different libraries, to export images, draw
83 Those libraries need to be loaded for the plugin to work properly.
85 There are two ways to load them. Choose the one that is right:
92 The plugin will automatically try to look in chart's [`path`](…
94 (as is the case with the default distributions), you don't need to do anything -
97 If you are using relative url, note that it is relative to the web page you are
100 In case you've moved the libs folder you need to tell the plugin where it is
106 loading of libraries is on by default you will need to turn it off by setting
109 Here is a full list of the files that need to be loaded for each operation:
114 FileSaver.js | libs/FileSaver.js/ | Used to offer download files
115 pdfmake.min.js | libs/pdfmake/ | Export to PDF format
116 vfs_fonts.js | libs/pdfmake/ | Export to PDF format
117 jszip.js | libs/jszip/ | Export to XLSX format
118 xlsx.js | libs/xlsx/ | Export to XLSX format
127 divId | | ID or a reference to div object in case you want the menu in a separate container.
129 fallback | {} | Holds the messages to guide the user to copy the generated output; `false` will dis…
130 fileName | amCharts | A file name to use for generated export files (an extension will be appended
131 legend | {} | Places the legend in case it is within an external container ([skip to chapter](#addi…
137 delay | | General setting to delay the capturing of the chart ([skip to chapter](#delay-the-capturi…
140 …n object of key/value pairs to use as column names when exporting to data formats. `exportTitles` …
142 dataDateFormat | | Format to convert date strings to date objects, uses by default charts dataDateF…
144 keyListener | false | If true it observes the pressed keys to undo/redo the annotations
146 drawing | {} | Object which holds all possible settings for the annotation mode ([skip to chapter](…
147 overflow | true | Flag to overwrite the css attribute 'overflow' of the chart container to avoid cr…
152 Plugin includes a way to completely control what is displayed on export menu.
153 You can set up menus, sub-menus, down to any level. You can even add custom
161 to specify labels, action, icon, child items and even custom code to be executed
164 Simple format codes will assume you need an export to that format.
168 Here's a sample of the simple menu setup that allows export to PNG, JPG and CSV:
187 When clicked the plugin will trigger export to a respective format.
205 To add a submenu to a menu item, simply add a `menu` array as its own property:
248 ### Adding custom click events to menu items
253 This needs to be a function reference. I.e.:
270 In case you have an external legend you need to define the position where it should get placed in y…
286 item or relative container, before it gets appended to the list (`ul`). The
287 function takes two arguments and it needs to return a valid DOM element.
300 … are used when exporting to this format. For example, default column separator for CSV is a comma.…
321 multiplier | 1 | number | Set this to non-1 number to resize the resulting image by
328 multiplier | 1 | number | Set this to non-1 number to resize the resulting image by
334 multiplier | 2 | number | Set this to non-1 number to resize the resulting image by
347 delimiter | "," | string | A string to use as a column delimiter
348 quotes | true | true/false | Set whether to enclose strings in doublequotes
349 escape | true | true/false | Set whether to escape strings
356 dateFormat | "dateObject" | "dateObject"\|"string" | Whether to export dates as dates recognisable …
358 stringify | false | true/false | Convert all cell content to strings
364 function to create the menu by the given list configured through `menu`.
369 // some magic to generate the nested lists using the given list
376 Adding menu item to print the chart or map is as easy as adding export ones. You
389 Or if you want to change the label:
452 allowing to export the image into either PNG, JPG, SVG or PDF.
454 And that's not even the end of it. You can add menu items to cancel, undo, redo
455 and still be able to reuse the choices by using the actions `draw.modes`,
489 Since 1.2.1 it's also possible to set some of the annotation options without the
490 need to re-define the whole menu structure. You can easily adjust the choice of
495 `drawing` property at all, it will falls back to the defaults.
500 "enabled": true, // Flag for `action: "draw"` menu items to toggle it's visibility
518 "autoClose": true // Flag to automatically close the annotation mode after download
523 If you need to filter the drawn elements, you can pass the `reviver` method in
524 your global configuration, or pass it to the `capture` method if you export
525 manually. For example, to hide all free labels you can simply do something like
541 In some cases you may want to delay the capturing of the current chart snapshot
542 to highlight the current value. For this you can simply define the 'delay'
562 the `afterCapture` event allows you to add some texts or images which can't be
563 seen on the regular chart but only the generated export. Use it to watermark
608 action | Set to "draw" if you want the item to trigger annotation mode
609 class | Class name applied to the tag
611 format | A format to export chart/map to upon click (see below for a list of available formats)
613 label | Text label to be displayed
617 fileName | A file name to use for generated export files (an extension will be appended to it based…
619 mimeType | Internet media type to generate the export file (usses format default if not defined)
620 pageSize | A string or { width: number, height: number } ([details](#exporting-to-pdf))
621 …ion | By default we use portrait, you can change it to landscape if you wish ([details](#exporting…
622 …bottom] or [horizontal, vertical] or just a number for equal margins ([details](#exporting-to-pdf))
623 content | Array of elements which represents the content ([details](#exporting-to-pdf))
625 lossless | Flag to print the actual vector graphic instead of buffered bitmap (print option only, e…
626 delay | A numeric value to delay the capturing in seconds ([details](#delay-the-capturing-before-ex…
629 columnNames | An object of key/value pairs to use as column names when exporting ( data export only…
631 dataDateFormat | Format to convert date strings to date objects, uses by default charts dataDateFor…
645 ### Exporting to PDF
647 When exporting to PDF, you can set and modify the content of the resulting
661 you want the image to be scaled to fit into.
670 "fit": [ 523.28, 769.89 ] // fit image to A4
678 pageOrientation | by default we use portrait, you can change it to landscape if you wish
737 The plugin comes with a default CSS file `export.css`. You just need to include
740 Feel free to override any styles defined in it, create your own version and
743 If you choose to modify it, we suggest creating a copy so it does not get
749 We explained how you can define custom functions to be executed on click on
752 Those functions can tap into plugin's methods to augment it with some custom
772 The above will use plugin's internal `capture` method to capture it's current
773 state and `toJPG()` method to export the chart to JPEG format.
782 …k | Prepares a JPEG representation of the chart and passes the binary data to the callback function
783 …ck | Prepares a PNG representation of the chart and passes the binary data to the callback function
784 …ck | Prepares a SVG representation of the chart and passes the binary data to the callback function
785 …ck | Prepares a PDF representation of the chart and passes the binary data to the callback function
786 toJSON | (object) options, (function) callback | Prepares a JSON and passes the plain data to the c…
787 toCSV | (object) options, (function) callback | Prepares a CSV and passes the plain data to the cal…
788 …k | Prepares a XLSX representation of the chart and passes the binary data to the callback function
789 toBlob | (object) options, (function) callback | Prepares a BLOB and passes the instance to the cal…
790 toCanvas | (object) options, (function) callback | Prepares a Canvas and passes the element to the …
791 toArray | (object) options, (function) callback | Prepares an Array and passes the data to the call…
800 To avoid having a bigger payload by including senseless polyfills to your site,
801 you may need to add following metatag in your `<head>` of your HTML document.
807 This feature will kick in by default. If you want to disable it simply pass
808 `false` to the `fallback` parameter.
816 In case you want to change our default messages you can modify it like
822 text: "CTRL + C to copy the data into the clipboard.",
823 image: "Rightclick -> Save picture as... to save the image."
839 IE8 and older are not supported I'm afraid. Hey, it's time to upgrade!
849 You're encouraged to modify, extend and make derivative plugins out of this
865 This basically means you're free to use or modify this plugin, even make your
901 * Fixed: Hashbanged url interpretation issue in IE (related to reusable svg nodes)
904 * Fixed: Zeroes were being exported to data formats as empty strings rather than numbers
917 …` option which is an array of fields to export in data formats (if you want to export just some fi…
920 * Added: `overflow` flag to overwrite the css attribute 'overflow' of the chart container
951 * Added: ([drawing.autoClose](#annotation-settings)) new flag to automatically close the annotation…
952 * Fixed: Internal pdfMake issue which prevented to generate PDFs in IE10, uses custom build until o…
967 * Added: Polish language file ( thanks to piernik )
981 * Added: Illustrator support; `reviver` method to `toSVG`; converts by default RGBA to HEX colors c…
986 * Added: `dataDateFormat` converts the date-strings to date objects with given format
988 * Added: `processData` to format date fields and translate fields
989 * Changed: `gatherChartData` collects data, fields and titles only and uses `processData` to format
999 * Added: Possibility to add text, lines, shapes ([details](#annotation-settings))
1000 * Added: Possibility to change drawing mode, color, opacity and size
1001 * Added: Possibility to select,move,scale drawn items
1002 * Added: Possibility to define dedicated drawing menu `` individual menu items get prio…
1003 * Added: Dropbox feature which allows to drag images into the chart `fileListener: true`
1004 * Added: Keylistener which allows to undo/redo/remove the drawn steps `keyListener: true`
1005 * Added: Isolated plugin to be able to initiate manually regardless of the chart setup
1009 * Fixed: Issue with deepMerge which did not allow to modfiy the pdfMake default settings
1010 * Fixed: Menu issue which did not allow to modify the pdfMake settings
1019 * Added: Temporary workaround to bypass FileSaver check; issue prevented to open blob urls in safar…
1022 * Added: beforeCapture to be able to indicate the export process in some way
1023 * Added: afterCapture to be able to modify the fabric instance if needed
1030 * Added: General delay property to delay the capturing of the chart ([details](#delay-the-capturing…
1036 * Added: Delay feature, which allows to delay the capturing ([details](#delay-the-capturing-before-…
1044 * Added: Added reviver in capturing method to filter the drawn chart elements
1049 …issue]( please adapt fabric.js manually to solve it
1053 * Fix: Enhanced migration script to obtain more settings
1060 * Added: `toImage` usage in `toPRINT` to be able to choose the image type + settings.
1075 * Added: [path]( to load the libarie…
1078 * Added: divId to be able to place the menu within an external container
1079 * Added: menuWalker to replace the whole menu generation
1080 * Added: menuReviver to adapt menu items before being appended to the list
1081 * Added: libs.async to load dependencies asynchronous (default true)
1084 * Considering classNamePrefix (dont't forget to adapt export.css)
1085 * Added: safety delay on print restore to ensure capturing the canvas
1094 * Added: libs.reload: false, script tag crawling to avoid multiple insertions