Lines Matching refs:issue

887 * Fixed: clipPath issue on SVG export (workaround until fabricJS handles that by themselves)
890 * Fixed: Depth issue on value labels on columns
899 * Fixed: Clippath positioning issue
901 * Fixed: Hashbanged url interpretation issue in IE (related to reusable svg nodes)
907 * Fixed: Loading issue with patterns in firefox
926 * Fixed: beforeCapture issue on SVG document changes
930 * Fixed: Base tag gradient drawing issue (includes embedded hotfix for fabricjs commit #c9745ff)
933 * Fixed: Base tag clip path issue which draw the lines outside the plotarea
942 * Fixed: Scrollbar issue hiding the unselected scrollbar background area
945 * Fixed: Absolute legend positioning issue.
952 * Fixed: Internal pdfMake issue which prevented to generate PDFs in IE10, uses custom build until o…
961 * Fixed: Legend positioning issue with charts created in a hidden container
992 * Fixed: Positioning issue on multiline labels
1010 * Fixed: Menu issue which did not allow to modify the pdfMake settings
1011 * Fixed: Undo issue which needed double attempts in the beginning
1019 * Added: Temporary workaround to bypass FileSaver check; issue prevented to open blob urls in safar…
1028 * Fix: Pattern render issue in IE;
1033 * Fix: Tainted check issue which failed if location.origin wasn't available
1049 * Discovered: [Safari 5 issue]( please adapt fabric…
1052 * Fix: CSV export issue on date based charts
1056 * Fix: Print issue on safari which captured the actual page instead of the export
1068 * Fix: IE8 issue which prevents the chart from initiating
1071 * Fix: issue on toCSV handling the header (first row)
1074 * Fix: issue on revalidation the chart/map