Lines Matching refs:https

1 > I also make [Caret]( - a Markdown editor for Mac and PC.
5 [![Build Status](](
6 <!--[![Total Downloads](](>
13 [Documentation](
21 * [GitHub flavored](
23 * [Markdown Extra extension](
27 Include `Parsedown.php` or install [the composer package](
37 More examples in [the wiki]( and in [this video tutorial](
51 In both cases you should strongly consider employing defence-in-depth measures, like [deploying a Content-Security-Policy]( (a browser security feature) so that your page is likely to be safe even if an attacker finds a vulnerability in one of the first lines of defence above.
82 [Laravel Framework](, [Bolt CMS](, [Grav CMS](, [Herbie CMS](, [Kirby CMS](, [October CMS](, [Pico CMS](, [Statamic CMS](, [phpDocumentor](, [](, [Symfony demo]( and [more](
86 Use it, star it, share it and if you feel generous, [donate](