Lines Matching refs:local
5 "Main files" usually ship with DokuWiki, whereas "local files" have to be created by the wiki admin…
7 If local files are supported you should use them instead of modifying the main files to avoid upgra…
10 ^ main file ^ local file ^ type of config …
11 | ''dokuwiki.php'' | ''local.php''\\ ''local.protected.php'' | see [[doku>confi…
12 | ''acronyms.conf'' | ''acronyms.local.conf'' | [[doku>abbreviat…
13 | ''entities.conf'' | ''entities.local.conf'' | [[doku>entities]…
14 | ''interwiki.conf'' | ''interwiki.local.conf'' | [[doku>interwiki…
15 | ''mime.conf'' | ''mime.local.conf'' | [[doku>mime]] …
16 | ''smileys.conf'' | ''smileys.local.conf'' | [[doku>smileys]]…
19 | ''license.php'' | ''license.local.php'' | [[doku>config:li…
20 | ''scheme.conf'' | ''scheme.local.conf'' | [[doku>urlscheme…
22 | ''wordblock.conf'' | ''wordblock.local.conf'' | [[doku>blacklist…
23 | ''plugins.required.php'' | ''plugins.local.php''\\ ''plugins.protected.php'' | see [[doku>confi…