Lines Matching refs:is

4 This is an attempt to enable direct insertion of HTML tags in DokuWiki that is not reliant on the HTML option, which is no longer available in current versions of DokuWiki.
66 Please note that `<div>` and `<span>` are also handled by the [Wrap]( Plugin and having them enabled while Wrap is also active can lead to unexpected results. If you need the attribute features of this plugin with these tags, it is better to disable Wrap, and possibly use [Ad-Hoc Wrap]( instead as a replacement.
78 Note: This option is still included for compatibility, but it is generally not recommended because it can cause layout issues on smaller screens (e.g. smartphones).
84 - `"Title text"` – A string that is enclosed in double quotes will be rendered as `title`.
94 If you previously used `<html>` tags to embed HTML code into your DokuWiki site, you need to replace them with the format used by this plugin. The best way to get started is to make a run a couple of search-replace operations on the `data/pages/` directory in your DokuWiki installation.
96 :bangbang: **Important:** It is advisable to run the following searches on a *copy* of this directory and also keep a backup of the original state, in case of problems that only show up later. The following search-replace operations can do serious damage to your site content. The autor does not take any responsibility for any damages that follow from applying this procedure: :bangbang:
119 If needed, similar searches can also be used for other attributes (e.g. ` style="([^\"]*)"` -> ` [style=$1]` for style), but it is probably a good idea to manually update these, rather than relying on automatisms.