Lines Matching refs:with

10 **The 3.X branch is compatible with PHP > 7.1, so if you are using that PHP version, use it and not…
36 … with a description. We follow responsible disclosure guidelines…
123 If you plan to play with the demos, use the Option 1.
147 with minor changes. You only need to load the files of the `lib/Saml` folder.
164 If you are using the library with a framework like Symfony that contains
264 * `compatibility` - Import that file to make compatible your old code with the
271 * `demo1/` - Contains an example of a simple PHP app with SAML support.
290 * Use an array with the setting data and provide it directly to the
361 // the certs folder. But we can also provide them with the following parameters
375 // Identity Provider Data that we want connected with our SP.
512 …// Set an array with the possible auth context values: array ('urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:clas…
519 // If true, SAMLResponses with an empty value at its Destination
529 // If true, SAMLResponses with an InResponseTo value will be rejectd if not
593 by the toolkit if no other array with settings info is provided in the constructor of the toolkit. …
596 // Initializes toolkit with settings.php & advanced_settings files.
601 // Initializes toolkit with the array provided.
646 new toolkit due there are a lot of new features that you can't handle with the
669 … The client is then forwarded to the Attribute Consumer Service of the SP with this information. I…
743 to get the settings object and with the true parameter we will avoid the IdP Settings validation.
1018 SAML Response with a `NameId`, then this `NameId` will be used.
1042 A more complex logout with all the parameters:
1114 $errors = $auth->getErrors(); // This method receives an array with the errors
1157 echo '<p><a href="?slo" >Logout</a></p>'; // Print some links with possible
1227 …nd Destination attribute of SAML response fails when working behind load balancer with SSL offload.
1240 ### IdP with multiple certificates ###
1249 The `'x509certMulti'` is an array with 2 keys:
1251 - `'encryption'` An array with one unique cert that will be used to encrypt data to be sent to the …
1258 Get the ID of the last processed message/assertion with the `getLastMessageId/getLastAssertionId` m…
1285 * `get_saml_attributes` - Retrieves an Array with the logged user data.
1296 * `getXml` - An XML with the metadata info of the SP
1436 * `getErrors` - Returns an array with the errors, the array is empty when
1450 * `signmetadata` - Signs the metadata with the key/cert provided
1524 * Use an array with the setting data.
1560 described at 2.1 with the difference that as `RelayState` is set the `attrs.php`.
1573 replies through the client to the SP with a Logout Response (sent to the
1599 * Use an array with the setting data.