Lines Matching refs:pull
39 * [#283]( New method of importing a decrypted asserti…
57 * [#242]( Document that SHA-1 must not be used
58 * [#250]( Fixed issue with IdPMetadataParser only kee…
62 * [#236]( Exclude unnecesary files from Composer prod…
63 * [#226]( Add possibility to handle nameId NameQualif…
72 * [#206]( able to register future SP x509cert on th…
73 * [#206]( Be able to register more than 1 Identity Pr…
74 * [#206]( Support the ability to parse IdP XML metada…
85 * [#192]( Added ability to configure DigestAlgorithm …
86 * [#183]( Fix strpos bug when decrypting assertions
87 * [#186]( Improve info on entityId validation Excepti…
88 * [#188]( Fixed issue with undefined constant of UNEX…
99 * [#177]( Add error message for bad OneLogin_Saml2_Se…
102 * [#175]( Allow overriding of host, port, protocol an…
103 * [#173]( Provide better support to NameIdFormat
123 * [#154]( getSelfHost no longer returns a port number
124 * [#156]( Use correct host on response destination fa…
125 * [#158]( NEW Control usage of X-Forwarded-* headers
133 * [134]( PHP7 production settings compiles out assert…
134 * [132]( Add note for "wantAssertionsEncrypted"
142 * [128]( Test php7 and upgrade phpunit