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3 PHP-CLI is a simple library that helps with creating nice looking command line scripts.
37 $options->setHelp('A very minimal example that does nothing but print a version');
61 - create a class and ``extend splitbrain\phpcli\CLI``
63 - ``$options->setHelp()`` adds a general description
66 - ``$options->registerCommand()`` adds a sub command
79 exit the programm with a non-zero exit code. You can disable this behaviour and catch all exceptions yourself by
89 Colored output is handled through the ``Colors`` class. It tries to detect if a color terminal is available and only
94 ``error()`` (red) or ``fatal()`` (red). The latter will also exit the programm with a non-zero exit code.
106 terminal width on its own. It can be overwritten by setting a ``COLUMNS`` environment variable.
109 widths, the second contains the texts to fill into the columns. Between each column a border is printed (a single space
117 - precentages by provifing an integer and a percent sign (eg. ``25%``)
118 - a single fluid "rest" column marked with an asterisk (eg. ``*``)
123 Space for borders is automatically calculated. It is recommended to always have some relative (percentage) or a fluid
130 The CLI class is a fully PSR-3 compatible logger (printing colored log data to STDOUT and STDERR). This is useful when
131 you call backend code from your CLI that expects a Logger instance to produce any sensible status output while running.
133 If you need to pass a class implementing the `Psr\Log\LoggerInterface` you can do so by inheriting from one of the two provided classes implementing this interface instead of `splitbrain\phpcli\CLI`.
140 Note: if your backend code calls for a PSR-3 logger but does not actually type check for the interface (AKA being LoggerAware only) you can also just pass an instance of `splitbrain\phpcli\CLI`.