Lines Matching refs:use

42 - The method `SimplePie\Misc::array_merge_recursive()` is deprecated, use native `array_replace_recursive()` instead
43 - The method `SimplePie\SimplePie::set_cache_name_function()` is deprecated, use `SimplePie\SimplePie::set_cache_namefilter()` instead
44 - The method `SimplePie\SimplePie::set_cache_location()` is deprecated, use `SimplePie\SimplePie::set_cache()` instead
46 - The class `SimplePie\Cache` is deprecated, use implementation of `SimplePie\SimplePie::set_cache()` instead
47 - The class `SimplePie\Cache\DB` is deprecated, use implementation of `Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface` instead
48 - The class `SimplePie\Cache\File` is deprecated, use implementation of `Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface` instead
49 - The class `SimplePie\Cache\Memcache` is deprecated, use implementation of `Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface` instead
50 - The class `SimplePie\Cache\Memcached` is deprecated, use implementation of `Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface` instead
51 - The class `SimplePie\Cache\MySQL` is deprecated, use implementation of `Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface` instead
52 - The class `SimplePie\Cache\Redis` is deprecated, use implementation of `Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface` instead
53 - The interface `SimplePie\Cache\Base` is deprecated, use interface `Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface` instead
70 - Do not use magic values for state machine state by @jtojnar in [#735](
84 - The class `SimplePie` is deprecated, use class `SimplePie\SimplePie` instead
85 - The use of PSR-0 classes (all classes without namespaces in the `library` directory) is deprecated, use PSR-4 classes (see `src` directory) instead
86 - The constant `SIMPLEPIE_BUILD` is deprecated, use `SimplePie\Misc::get_build()` instead
87 - The constant `SIMPLEPIE_USERAGENT` is deprecated, use `SimplePie\Misc::get_default_useragent()` instead
88 - All global constants are deprecated, use the constants from the class `SimplePie\SimplePie` instead (e.g. replace `SIMPLEPIE_VERSION` with `SimplePie\SimplePie::VERSION`)
135 * Tests: use strict assertions by @jrfnl in [#692](
138 * Tests: use the correct parameter order by @jrfnl in [#694](
217 * PHP 7.1 Support: Fixed PHP error when trying to use a non-numeric value in `round()`. [#458](
230 * Added `mf2/mf2` as a suggestion in Composer for use with microformats. [#491](
260 * Added `SimplePie_Exception` for internally reporting errors. Also, use this to show an error when trying to load the class instead of causing a failure. [#241](
270 * Explicitly use UTF-8 in `SimplePie_Misc->get_element()` and `Simple_ie_Misc->element_implode()`. [#348](
273 * Simplified the use of `mtime()` and `touch()`. [#403](
288 * Fixed use of `DOMElement` as array. [#315](