Lines Matching refs:is

5 The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](,
25 - PHP 7.2 or newer is now required by @Art4 in [#743](
42 - The method `SimplePie\Misc::array_merge_recursive()` is deprecated, use native `array_replace_recursive()` instead
43 - The method `SimplePie\SimplePie::set_cache_name_function()` is deprecated, use `SimplePie\SimplePie::set_cache_namefilter()` instead
44 - The method `SimplePie\SimplePie::set_cache_location()` is deprecated, use `SimplePie\SimplePie::set_cache()` instead
45 - The method `SimplePie\SimplePie::force_cache_fallback()` is deprecated, expired cache will not be used anymore
46 - The class `SimplePie\Cache` is deprecated, use implementation of `SimplePie\SimplePie::set_cache()` instead
47 - The class `SimplePie\Cache\DB` is deprecated, use implementation of `Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface` instead
48 - The class `SimplePie\Cache\File` is deprecated, use implementation of `Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface` instead
49 - The class `SimplePie\Cache\Memcache` is deprecated, use implementation of `Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface` instead
50 - The class `SimplePie\Cache\Memcached` is deprecated, use implementation of `Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface` instead
51 - The class `SimplePie\Cache\MySQL` is deprecated, use implementation of `Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface` instead
52 - The class `SimplePie\Cache\Redis` is deprecated, use implementation of `Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface` instead
53 - The interface `SimplePie\Cache\Base` is deprecated, use interface `Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface` instead
84 - The class `SimplePie` is deprecated, use class `SimplePie\SimplePie` instead
85 - The use of PSR-0 classes (all classes without namespaces in the `library` directory) is deprecated, use PSR-4 classes (see `src` directory) instead
86 - The constant `SIMPLEPIE_BUILD` is deprecated, use `SimplePie\Misc::get_build()` instead
87 - The constant `SIMPLEPIE_USERAGENT` is deprecated, use `SimplePie\Misc::get_default_useragent()` instead
164 * PHP 5.6 or newer is now required. [#625](
176 * Preemptively changed `is_writeable()` calls to `is_writable()` in case the former is deprecated in PHP. [#604](
195 * Fixed photos so they are not added if the URL is empty. [#530](
237 * More cleanly separates discovery of microformats and parsing when php-mf2 is not present.
242 * Leading and trailing whitespace is now trimmed from XML feed content to prevent errors. [#445](
248 * Serialized data is now used for hashing in `SimplePie_Item->get_id()`. [#348](
251 * Added the `force_cache_fallback()` method to `SimplePie` to allow an expired cache to be used when a feed is unavailable. [#389](
269 * The feed URL is now updated based on the URL returned by cURL. [#348](
272 * `rss:pubDate` is now used over `atom:updated` when determining the posting date. [#288](