Lines Matching refs:in

3 All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
14 - New method `SimplePie\SimplePie::set_cache()` for providing a PSR-16 cache implementation by @Art4 in [#742](
15 - New method `SimplePie\SimplePie::set_cache_namefilter()` for customize the cache key in [#762](
16 - New class `SimplePie\Cache\CallableNameFilter` to provide a `callable` to customize the cache key in [#762](
17 - New interface `SimplePie\RegistryAware` to inject the `Registry` instance into classes created by `Registry` by @Art4 in [#760](
18 - update PHP versions in GH Actions workflows by @jrfnl in [#767](
19 - Registry: Allow using class-strings instead of magic strings by @jtojnar and @Art4 in [#766](
23 - Clarify branching strategy by @Art4 in [#751](
24 - Use native array_replace_recursive() by @Alkarex in [#749](
25 - PHP 7.2 or newer is now required by @Art4 in [#743](
26 - Parse\Date: Clean up regex structure by @jtojnar in [#765](
27 - Declare strict_types=1 in every file by @Art4 in [#763](
31 - Item::get_date(): fix return type on unparsable date by @jtojnar in [#753](
32 - Fix error handling for PHP 8.1 by @cedric-anne in [#747](
33 - The method `SimplePie\SimplePie::get_image_height()` returns the pixel number as `int` instead of `float` by @Art4 in [#763](
34 - The method `SimplePie\SimplePie::get_image_width()` returns the pixel number as `int` instead of `float` by @Art4 in [#763](
35 - No URL Decode for enclosure links by @Alkarex in [#768](
36 - Sanitize thumbnail URL by @Alkarex in [#770](
37 - Fix case of multiple RSS2.0 enclosures by @Alkarex in [#769](
38 - Fix broken phpdoc references by @jtojnar in [#771](
57 - removed by @Art4 in [#748](
58 - remove check for E_USER_DEPRECATED definition by @Art4 in [#750](
59 - remove broken BC code in Registry by @Art4 in [#764](
70 - Do not use magic values for state machine state by @jtojnar in [#735](
71 - Use PSR-4 classes in Registry by @Art4 in [#736](
72 - GH Actions: run tests against PHP 8.2 by @jrfnl in [#739](
73 - Change code style to PSR-12 by @Art4 in [#738](
77 - Fix status_code type by @Alkarex in [#728](
78 - Fix parsing of HTTP Links by @Alkarex in [#729](
79 - Fix using the best base link for an item content by @Alkarex in [#744](
80 - Fix .editorconfig regression by @Alkarex in [#745](
85 - The use of PSR-0 classes (all classes without namespaces in the `library` directory) is deprecated, use PSR-4 classes (see `src` directory) instead
94 - New methods `SimplePie::rename_attributes()` and `SimplePie_Sanitize::rename_attributes()` allow renaming attributes by @math-GH in [#717](
95 - Add audio, video @src elements/attribute for URL resolution by @rdalverny in [#716](
96 - Added new namespaced aliases and PSR-4 support for every class by @Art4 in [#711](
97 - Add .editorconfig by @Alkarex in [#724](
98 - Upload compiled file as release asset by @Art4 in [#725](
102 - GH Actions: version update for ramsey/composer-install by @jrfnl in [#713](
106 - Bugfix in MySQL cache by @Art4 in [#720](
107 - Re-enable xml:base for all supported RSS formats by @Alkarex in [#723](
113 - Update, follow keepachangelog format by @Art4 in [#709](
117 - Fix a small typo in the error() function Docblock by @audrasjb in [#712](
118 - Fix/708 version bump for constant `SIMPLEPIE_VERSION` for 1.5.8 release by @faisal-alvi in [#710](
122 * Fix PHP8 crash due to insufficient isset test by @Alkarex in [#670](
123 * gitignore tests by @Alkarex in [#671](
124 * Reduce memory when parsing large feeds by @Alkarex in [#672](
125 * PHP8 catch ValueError for loadHTML() by @Alkarex in [#673](
126 * Provide access to HTTP status code by @Alkarex in [#674](
127 * Fix wrong type hint by @Alkarex in [#678](
128 * Force HTTPS for selected domains by @Alkarex in [#676](
129 * Prevent cache polution by @Alkarex in [#675](
130 * Fix typo in comment by @Alkarex in [#680](
131 * Remove HTTP credentials in HTTP Referer by @Alkarex in [#681](
132 * CI: switch to GH Actions by @jrfnl in [#688](
133 * PHP 8.1: fix "passing null to non-nullable" deprecation notice by @jrfnl in [#689](
134 * Tests: PHPUnit cross-version compatibility by @jrfnl in [#690](
135 * Tests: use strict assertions by @jrfnl in [#692](
136 * CacheTest: handle different exceptions PHP cross-version by @jrfnl in [#691](
137 * GH Actions: don't allow builds to fail on PHP 8.0 or 8.1 by @jrfnl in [#693](
138 * Tests: use the correct parameter order by @jrfnl in [#694](
139 * PHPUnit: update configuration by @jrfnl in [#696](
140 * fix: better deal with proxy returning proxy headers (in response to cURL's Proxy-Connection header) by @shunf4 in [#698](
141 * Handle multiple Link headers by @voegelas in [#700](
142 * PHP 8.2: explicitly declare properties by @jrfnl in [#705](
143 * New Contributor: @shunf4 made their first contribution in [#698](
144 * New Contributor: @voegelas made their first contribution in [#700](
154 * Fix typo in MIME type in Content_Type_Sniffer [#661](
173 * Match links containing `feed` in the Locator class. [#621](
176 * Preemptively changed `is_writeable()` calls to `is_writable()` in case the former is deprecated in PHP. [#604](
184 * Fixed various issues in the test suite and Travis. [#576](
185 * Removed ambiguous tests failing on `usort()` in PHP 7. [#578](
197 * Updated favicon URL in `get_favicon()`. [#525](
200 * Removed and updated feed URLs in the demo. [#535](
217 * PHP 7.1 Support: Fixed PHP error when trying to use a non-numeric value in `round()`. [#458](
221 * Check the result of sanitize before returning in `get_content()` and `get_description()`. [#494](
228 * Use the latest HHVM version in testing (3.15.2). [#480](
229 * Added PHPUnit as a `dev-dependency` in Composer. [#463](
230 * Added `mf2/mf2` as a suggestion in Composer for use with microformats. [#491](
241 * Fixed inconsistent hash results in `SimplePie_Item->get_id()`.
248 * Serialized data is now used for hashing in `SimplePie_Item->get_id()`. [#348](
257 * Added support for `application/x-rss+xml` in `SimplePie_Locator`. [#348](
258 * Added photo de-duping in microformats. [#348](
259 * Added decoding for special characters in MAYBE_HTML. [#400](
268 * Fixed encoding of ampersands in `SimplePie->subscribe_url()`. [#348](
270 * Explicitly use UTF-8 in `SimplePie_Misc->get_element()` and `Simple_ie_Misc->element_implode()`. [#348](
275 * Fixed typo in the date parser that incorrectly identified September as month 8. [#348](
278 * Fixed the datatype for `` to be more appropriate in when using MySQL cache. [#302](
283 * Fixed call to non-existent property in Memcache. [#311](
285 * Fixed an instance where an error message in `SimplePie` was not being triggered correctly. [#348](