Lines Matching refs:error

32 - Fix error handling for PHP 8.1 by @cedric-anne in [#747](
117 - Fix a small typo in the error() function Docblock by @audrasjb in [#712](
217 * PHP 7.1 Support: Fixed PHP error when trying to use a non-numeric value in `round()`. [#458](
219 * Fixed the error message shown when a feed has an empty body. [#487](
220 * Added an error message when the XML or PCRE PHP extensions are missing. [#468](
224 * Refactored the UTF-8 conversion error message. [#467](
232 * Improvements to the compatibility test and error messages. [#488](
260 * Added `SimplePie_Exception` for internally reporting errors. Also, use this to show an error when trying to load the class instead of causing a failure. [#241](
263 * Added the `feed_url` to a returned error message. [#348](
279 * Fixed cURL not failing when the server returns an error. [#425](
280 * Fixed an error caused when trying to instantiate a `SimplePie_File` object with a bad URI. [#272](
285 * Fixed an instance where an error message in `SimplePie` was not being triggered correctly. [#348](
289 * Improved the error message when a feed cannot be found. [#348](