Lines Matching +full:select +full:- +full:user +full:- +full:groups -(+path:inc +path:lang) -(+path:lib +path:plugins +path:lang) -(+path:lib +path:tpl +path:dokuwiki +path:lang)

4  * --------
7 * - Sandra Rossi (
8 * - Jacob Laursen (
17 * ABAP syntax is highly complex, several problems could not be addressed, see TODO below if you dare ;-)
31 * -------
33 * - Some more rework of the language file
35 * - Major Release, more than 1000 statements and keywords added = whole abap 7.1 (Sandra Rossi)
37 * - First Release
40 * ----
41 * - in DATA data TYPE type, 2nd "data" and 2nd "type" are highlighted with data
45 * - Some words are considered as being statement names (report, tables, etc.) though they
49 * - if a comment is between 2 words of a keyword (for example SEPARATED "comment \n BY),
51 * - for statements like "READ DATASET", GeSHi does not allow to set URLs because these
63 * $html = $geshi->parse_code();
66 * - Numbers followed by a dot terminating the statement are not properly recognized
84 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
97 // "assign dref->* to <fs>" statement)
125 'at line-selection',
126 'at selection-screen',
127 'at user-command',
131 'call customer-function',
137 'call selection-screen',
156 'exit from step-loop',
160 'generate subroutine-pool',
167 'get pf-status',
175 'insert text-pool',
176 'leave list-processing',
179 'leave to list-processing',
205 'set left scroll-boundary',
209 'set pf-status',
216 'set user-command',
257 'at cursor-selection',
258 'at exit-command',
314 'during line-selection',
340 'fixed-point arithmetic',
353 'for select',
357 'for user',
386 'in char-to-hex mode',
460 'no-extension off',
461 'non-unique key',
462 'non-unique sorted key',
477 'on exit-command',
478 'on help-request for',
481 'on value-request for',
483 'option class-coding',
502 'radiobutton groups',
535 'skipping byte-order mark',
577 'using selection-screen',
578 'using selection-set',
579 'using selection-sets of program',
585 'via selection-screen',
590 'with byte-order mark',
606 'with non-unique key',
610 'with selection-table',
614 'with type-pools',
619 'without selection-screen',
631 'add-corresponding',
636 'authority-check',
638 'break-point',
646 'class-events',
647 'class-methods',
648 'class-pool',
655 'divide-corresponding',
657 'editor-call',
658 'end-of-file',
659 'end-enhancement-section',
660 'end-of-definition',
661 'end-of-page',
662 'end-of-selection',
675 'enhancement-point',
676 'enhancement-section',
682 'field-groups',
687 'function-pool',
701 'interface-pool',
705 'load-of-program',
706 'log-point',
715 'move-corresponding',
717 'multiply-corresponding',
719 'new-line',
720 'new-page',
721 'new-section',
728 'print-control',
742 'select',
743 'selection-screen',
748 'start-of-selection',
751 'subtract-corresponding',
756 'syntax-check',
758 'top-of-page',
761 'type-pool',
801 'bit-and',
802 'bit-not',
803 'bit-or',
804 'bit-set',
805 'bit-xor',
814 'byte-ca',
815 'byte-cn',
816 'byte-co',
817 'byte-cs',
818 'byte-na',
819 'byte-ns',
895 'display-mode',
902 'end-lines',
911 'exception-table',
922 'filter-table',
930 'first-line',
946 'head-lines',
947 'help-id',
948 'help-request',
964 'index-line',
984 'left-justified',
991 'line-count',
992 'line-size',
1004 'major-id',
1008 'message-id',
1010 'minor-id',
1024 'no-display',
1025 'no-extension',
1026 'no-gap',
1027 'no-gaps',
1028 'no-grouping',
1029 'no-heading',
1030 'no-scrolling',
1031 'no-sign',
1032 'no-title',
1033 'no-topofpage',
1034 'no-zero',
1036 'non-unicode',
1058 'output-length',
1068 'parameter-table',
1077 'queue-only',
1082 'read-only',
1098 'right-specified',
1123 'shortdump-id',
1161 'title-lines',
1163 'top-lines',
1168 'trace-file',
1169 'trace-table',
1177 'user-command',
1179 'utf-8',
1183 'value-request',
1194 'with-heading',
1195 'with-title',
1217 'on chain-input',
1218 'on chain-request',
1219 'on help-request',
1222 'on value-request',
1237 'scan abap-source',
1238 'scan and check abap-source',
1239 'syntax-check for dynpro',
1240 'syntax-check for program',
1241 'syntax-trace',
1242 'system-call',
1243 'system-exit',
1244 'verification-message'
1287 'class-data',
1291 'field-symbols',
1296 'select-options',
1299 'type-pools',
1305 '->*', '->', '=>',
1306 '(', ')', '{', '}', '[', ']', '+', '-', '*', '/', '!', '%', '^', '&', ':', ',', '.'
1329 1 => 'color: #000066; font-weight: bold; zzz:control;', //control statements
1330 2 => 'color: #cc4050; font-weight: bold; zzz:data;', //data statements
1331 3 => 'color: #005066; font-weight: bold; zzz:statement;', //first token of other statements
1332 4 => 'color: #500066; font-weight: bold; zzz:keyword;', // next tokens of other statements ("keywords")
1333 5 => 'color: #005066; font-weight: bold; zzz:statement;',
1334 6 => 'color: #000066; font-weight: bold; zzz:control;',
1335 7 => 'color: #000066; font-weight: bold; zzz:control;',
1336 8 => 'color: #005066; font-weight: bold; zzz:statement;',
1337 9 => 'color: #500066; font-weight: bold; zzz:keyword;'
1340 1 => 'color: #808080; font-style: italic;',
1342 'MULTI' => 'color: #808080; font-style: italic;'
1345 0 => 'color: #000099; font-weight: bold;'
1383 1 => '-&gt;',