Lines Matching defs:string

110 // Important string starter/finisher
230 * @var string
236 * @var string
248 * @var string
254 * @var string
319 * @var string
325 * @var string
331 * @var string
337 * @var string
364 * @var string
391 * @var string
397 * If null, nl2br() will be used on the result string.
399 * @var string
411 * @var string
417 * @var string
423 * @var string
429 * @var string
435 * @var string
441 * @var string
447 * @var string
484 * @var string
491 * @var string
503 * @var string
539 * @var string
549 * @param string $source The source code to highlight
550 * @param string $language The language to highlight the source with
551 * @param string $path The path to the language file directory. <b>This
573 * @return string
585 * @return string|false An error message if there has been an error, else false
609 * @return string The name for the current language
622 * @param string $source The source code to highlight
633 * @param string $language The name of the language to strip
649 * @param string $language The name of the language to use
688 * @param string $path The path to the language directory
777 * @param string $language short langname (html4strict for example)
835 * string of valid stylesheet declarations
837 * @param string $style The overall style for the outputted code block
854 * @param string $class The class name to use for this block of code
865 * @param string $id The ID to use for this block of code
884 * Sets the style for the actual code. This should be a string
894 * @param string $style The style to use for actual code
909 * @param string $style1 The style for the line numbers that are "normal"
910 * @param string|boolean $style2 If a string, this is the style of the line
990 * @param string $style The style to make the keywords
1036 * @param string $style The style to make the comments
1075 * @param string $style The style to make the escape characters
1107 * @param string $style The style to make the brackets
1140 * @param string $style The style to make the symbols
1179 * @param string $style The style to make the escape characters
1208 * @param string $style The style to make the script blocks
1228 * @param string $style The style to make the numbers
1260 * @param string $style The style to make the methods
1288 * @param string $key The style to make the regular expression matches
1439 * name, or the empty string if it couldn't be found
1441 * @param string $extension The extension to get a language name for
1446 * @return int|string
1550 * @param string $file_name The filename to load the source from
1568 * @param string $word The word to add to the keyword group
1590 * @param string $word The word to remove from the keyword group
1615 * @param string $styles The styles for the keyword group
1691 * @param string $content The content of the header block
1701 * @param string $content The content of the footer block
1711 * @param string $style The style for the header content
1721 * @param string $style The style for the footer content
1743 * @param string $url The URL to set for the group. If {FNAME} is in
1757 * @param string $styles The styles to use for that state
1767 * @param string $target The target for links in the code, e.g. _blank
1781 * @param string $styles The styles to use on important parts of the code
1817 * @param string $style A string specifying the style to use for this line.
1850 * @param string $styles The style for extra-highlighted lines
1860 * @param string $line_ending The new line-ending
1864 $this->line_ending = (string)$line_ending;
1895 * @param string $encoding The encoding to use for the source
2026 //Now we need to rewrite our array to get a search string that
2120 //specific style or an string denoting a regexp given its index.
2232 // Get the next little bit for this opening string
2420 $is_string_starter[$quotemark[0]] = (string)$quotemark;
2533 // Possibly the start of a new string ...
2560 // Hand out the correct style information for this string
2577 // now handle the string
2578 $string = "<span$string_attributes>" . GeSHi::hsc($char);
2651 //Add the stuff not in the string yet ...
2652 $string .= $this->hsc(substr($part, $start, $es_pos - $start));
2662 $string .= "<span$escape_char_attributes>" .
2669 $string .= "</span>\n";
2676 $string .= $es_char_m . '</span>';
2690 $string .= $this->hsc($es_char_m) . '</span>';
2696 $string .= $this->hsc($es_char) . '</span>';
2702 //Add the stuff not in the string yet ...
2703 $string .= $this->hsc(substr($part, $start, $es_pos - $start));
2718 $string .= "<span$escape_char_attributes>" .
2723 //Copy the remainder of the string ...
2724 $string .= $this->hsc(substr($part, $start, $close_pos - $start + $char_len)) . '</span>';
2731 // Are line numbers used? If, we should end the string before
2736 $string = str_replace("\n", "</span>\n<span$string_attributes>", $string);
2739 $result .= $string;
2740 $string = '';
2745 // The start of a hard quoted string
2757 // now handle the string
2758 $string = '';
2765 (($i + $hq_strlen) != ($close_pos))) { //Support empty string for HQ escapes if Starter = Escape
2793 //Get the actual string
2794 $string = substr($part, $i, $close_pos - $i + 1);
2798 // (special because when we have escape chars within our string they may not be escaped)
2802 while ($es_pos = strpos($string, $this->language_data['ESCAPE_CHAR'], $start)) {
2804 $new_string .= $this->hsc(substr($string, $start, $es_pos - $start));
2807 if (substr($string, $es_pos, strlen($hardescape)) == $hardescape) {
2818 while (isset($string[$es_pos + $c]) && isset($string[$es_pos + $c + 1])
2819 && $string[$es_pos + $c] == $this->language_data['ESCAPE_CHAR']
2820 && $string[$es_pos + $c + 1] == $this->language_data['ESCAPE_CHAR']) {
2834 $string = $new_string . $this->hsc(substr($string, $start));
2836 $string = $this->hsc($string);
2840 // Are line numbers used? If, we should end the string before
2845 $string = str_replace("\n", "</span>\n<span$string_attributes>", $string);
2848 $result .= "<span$string_attributes>" . $string . '</span>';
2849 $string = '';
3118 * @param string $result The source to indent (reference!)
3145 // via the actual content of the string
3173 // to use instead of building a string every time
3216 * @param string $instr The keyword to change the case of
3217 * @return string The keyword with its case changed
3234 * @param string $match The keyword to add the Markup to
3235 * @return string The HTML for the match found
3298 * @return string The highlighted string
3312 * @return string
3340 * Takes a string that has no strings or comments in it, and highlights
3343 * @param string $stuff_to_parse The string to parse for keyword, numbers etc.
3345 * @todo BUGGY! Why? Why not build string and return?
3346 * @return string
3406 // Might make a more unique string for putting the number in soon
3664 * @param string $start_time The time when parsing started as returned by @see microtime()
3665 * @param string $end_time The time when parsing ended as returned by @see microtime()
3725 * @param string $file_name The filename of the language file you want to load
3824 * @param string $parsed_code The code already parsed (reference!)
4068 * @return string The header for the code block
4147 * @return string The footer for the code block
4201 * @param string $instr The header or footer content to do replacement on
4202 * @return string The header or footer with replaced keywords
4281 * @param string $string string to be converted
4286 * @return string converted string
4289 protected function hsc($string, $quote_style = ENT_COMPAT) {
4316 // return translated string
4317 return strtr($string, $aTransSpecchar);
4321 * Generate a CSS class name from a given string.
4324 * @param string $name Proposed class name
4326 * @return string Safe CSS class name
4338 * @return string A stylesheet built on the data for the current language
4561 * => string 'f(aa|oo(bar)?)'</code>
4564 * @param string $regexp_delimiter your regular expression delimiter, @see preg_quote()
4565 * @return string for regular expression
4591 $entry = preg_quote((string) $list[$i], $regexp_delimiter);
4641 // we can dump current tokens into the string and throw them away afterwards
4683 * this function creates the appropriate regexp string of an token array
4688 * @return string
4735 * @param string $string The code to highlight
4736 * @param string $language The language to highlight the code in
4737 * @param string $path The path to the language files. You can leave this blank if you need
4740 * @return string The code highlighted (if $return is true)
4743 function geshi_highlight($string, $language, $path = null, $return = false) {
4744 $geshi = new GeSHi($string, $language, $path);