Lines Matching +full:delete +full:- +full:user -(+path:inc +path:lang) -(+path:lib +path:plugins +path:lang) -(+path:lib +path:tpl +path:dokuwiki +path:lang)

1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
3 <!--
4 GeSHi - Generic Syntax Highlighter - phing build file.
8 -->
13 <property name="zipfile" value="${}-${version}.zip" />
14 <property name="gzfile" value="${}-${version}.tar.gz" />
15 <property name="bz2file" value="${}-${version}.tar.bz2" />
16 <property name="pkgfile" value="geshi-${version}.tgz" />
46 <delete file="dist/${zipfile}" failonerror="false"/>
47 <delete file="dist/${gzfile}" failonerror="false"/>
48 <delete file="dist/${bz2file}" failonerror="false"/>
66 <target name="pack-pear" depends=""
70 <delete file="src/package.xml" failonerror="false" />
82 <lead user="benbe" name="Benny Baumann" email="" />
95 <!-- map directory (key) to role -->
105 <!-- time to fix the package.xml file since the task does not
107 - strip the base directory names like src, data and www
108 - remove that dumb baseinstalldir from files
109 - md5sums are generated automatically when packaging
110 -->
111 <!-- yes, we need to generate a 2nd file and move it back -->
115 <!-- remove md5sums -->
117 pattern="md5sum=&quot;[a-z0-9]{32}&quot; "
120 <!-- remove baseinstalldir for files -->
125 <!-- install-as for different directories -->
128 replace="\1 install-as=&quot;\2&quot;"
132 replace="\1 install-as=&quot;\2&quot;"
136 replace="\1 install-as=&quot;\2&quot;"
140 replace="\1 install-as=&quot;phorkie/\2&quot;"
144 replace="\1 install-as=&quot;\2&quot;"
151 <!-- package up -->
155 <delete file="src/package.xml" failonerror="true" />
160 <target name="release" depends="check,pack,pack-pear,deploy-sf,gittag"
163 <!-- meta-target -->
167 <!--
169 -->
170 <target name="deploy-sf" depends="check,pack"
173 <delete dir="dist/deploy-sf" /><!-- make empty -->
174 <mkdir dir="dist/deploy-sf" />
175 <mkdir dir="dist/deploy-sf/geshi" />
176 <mkdir dir="dist/deploy-sf/geshi/GeSHi ${version}" />
177 <copy todir="dist/deploy-sf/geshi/GeSHi ${version}/">
184 <!-- test
185 <exec command="rsync -av dist/deploy-sf/ /tmp/test/" escape="false" />
186 -->
188 command="rsync -av -e ssh dist/deploy-sf/ ${sfuser},${sfproject}${sffilepath}/${sfproject}/"
192 <!-- rsync always returns code 23 on sourceforge releases, so we
193 can't check return values -->