Lines Matching refs:for

2              THANKS - List of credits for GeSHi
4 I owe these people/groups my thanks for help with GeSHi. Thanks, guys!
6 - Amit Gupta - Thanks for all that constructive criticism - it's
7 a great help for making GeSHi even better. And
8 thanks for the Wordpress plugin! (Anyone who is
11 - Andreas Gohr - Thanks for language files and for using GeSHi for DokuWiki
13 for all your criticisms and for that stylesheet-maker code :).
14 Also, thanks for the UTF-8 patch.
15 - Andreas von Oettingen - Thanks for those great ideas! :)
16 - bbspliff - Thanks for pointing out that bug (pity I already
18 - Benny Baumann - Thanks for your innumerable suggestions for improvements, and your
20 - Ben Keen - Thanks for the language files and pointing out some
21 ideas for future releases. Lookin' forward to seeing that
23 - Brian Cheesman - Thanks for using GeSHi in phpCvsView, and for the suggestion about
25 - Christian Weiske - Thanks for the inspiration for creating advanced regexp
27 - Cliff Stanford - Thanks for the hardquote support for C# and Perl (can be used elsewhere
29 - David Gartner - Thanks for using GeSHi in net2ftp, and for the idea about a load_from_file
31 - - Thanks for putting up with the crappy versions
34 - Jack Lloyd - Thanks for pointing out the versioning and method CSS bugs, and giving
36 - Karim Scheik - Thanks for the php5 support report
37 - Marcin Gryszkalis - Thanks for those links for C, Java, Perl
38 - M. Uli Kusterer - Thanks for the idea about URL case conversion
39 - Milian Wolff - Thanks for the loads of optimizations
40 - Thanks for helping with implementation of various features
41 - Roberto Armellin - Thanks for pointing out some flaws in GeSHi (that will be solved
43 - Sterling Christensen - Thanks for those links to language specs
44 - Tux - Thanks for making all those language files :D
45 - zbw - Thanks for proving a phpBB port was possible
51 - ActionScript 3 Jordi Boggiano (version for ActionScript3 and MXML)
76 - C for Loadrunner Stuart Moncrieff
77 - C for Macs M. Uli Kusterer
78 - C for Windows Benny Baumann
82 - C++ for Windows Benny Baumann
219 - Python for S60 Sohan Basak
287 feature, or make a plugin for GeSHi for some other software, then tell me about it!