Lines Matching refs:a

6 who suggested an idea often also provided the code that was used as a basis for the
99 * Fix a minor issue with comments in Visual Basic (Plançon, BenBE)
101 * Fix a minor issue with keywords in SQL (Gerrit, BenBE)
163 * Fix a problem with Delphi/Pascal regarding hex numbers/chars (BenBE)
164 * Fixed a typo and missing keywords for HTML4 and HTML5 (SF#3365452, BenBE)
165 * Fixed a typo in Modula-3 language file (SF#3358216, BenBE)
171 * Fixed typo in Haskell causing a keyword to be missing (SF#3529439, BenBE)
205 * Fixed a small issue with detection of division vs. regular expressions
276 - Introduced a fix for improved performance when matching numbers (BenBE)
285 * Fixed a problem with variable names in Prolog (BenBE)
324 - Fixed a problem with URLs allowing to break highlighting (BenBE)
348 - Fixed a problem with Strict Block Detection if the Strict Block Regexp
374 - Fixed a problem where HardEscapes weren't working when no escape char was given (BenBE)
375 - Added a PARSER_CONTROL setting to treat whitespace inside of keywords in
378 - Added a possibility to allow setting the style for escape characters (BenBE)
409 - Fixed a problem with link targets resulting in unclickable links (SF#2379120, BenBE)
421 * Fixed a lot of duplicate keyword warnings (BenBE)
425 * Fixed a problem with tag and attribute names in XML highlighting (SF#2276119, BenBE)
443 - Fixed a problem with PCRE patterns for Keyword matching sometimes producing
450 - Fixed a "memory leak" in the *_regexp_caches (milian)
453 - Fixed a problem allowing Remote Code Inclusion under certain circumstances (BenBE)
491 - Added an optimizer for lists to regular expressions. Using these cached lists results in a speedup of approx. 50%.
516 * Added $force_reset param for to force full reload of a language. (milian)
521 - The overall_class is now up to the user, and the language-code is _always_ added as a class (milian)
540 * Lifted a limitation that keywords had to have at least 2 subsequent letters (BenBE)
542 expressions used as delimiters inside keywords instead of a simple char group (BenBE)
545 - Added a script to contrib/ to verify language files are correct (BenBE)
564 * Fixed a regular expression in mIRC language file that caused a warning message to be issued (BenBE)
566 * Use spaces instead of tabs for indendation in language files to have a consistent
589 - Fixed a problem not yet addressed in regarding highlighting of
594 - Fixed a bug causing masses of warnings in rendered output if language file
601 - Added possibility to match a regexp as comment (SF#1914640, SF#1945301, SF#1934832, BenBE)
621 - Fixed a problem that rarely skipped highlighting of escaped chars which usually should have gotten highlighted (BenBE)
634 - Fixed minor issue causing loads of warnings if a language files defines no symbols (BenBE)
655 - Language files can now specify a function to be called to decide the
656 colour of a regular expression match
664 - Fixed a problem with extension detection if default was used (BenBE)
665 - Fixed a highlighting problem with the LaTeX language (SF #1776182, BenBE)
666 - Added a new parameter for enable_highlighting to reduce source duplication (SF #1786104, BenBE)
669 - Added a check for set_case_keywords for the given param to be supported (BenBE)
679 - Fixed a problem with mIRC when & was used for identifiers (SF #1875552, BenBE)
703 - Added a possibility to force generation of a surrounding tag around
725 - Fixed incorrect highlighting when the starter of a multiline comment is
727 - Fixed "</span" generated if a multiline comment is the last thing in the
731 - Added a method to enable/disable keyword linking (Ian McKellar)
772 - Fixed lines being collapsed when they contain just a space (artlover)
778 isn't used. Added a style for multiline comments.
779 - Added a couple of php5 keywords to the php language files.
788 - Moved a couple of functions to the correct group in smarty (arwan)
799 - Allow regexes to set a CSS class name (SmokingRope)
825 - Now using a simpler regular expression for numbers (Brice Bernard)
852 - Fixed two ">" symbols being outputted when using a footer but not CSS classes (MrBaseball34)
857 - Fixed double </a> for elements in HTML (Yves Goergen)
865 - Commented example.php so people can use it as a guide better
866 - Fixed extra newline being generated if a comment is at the end
962 - Links can have a target attribute (Andreas Gohr)
969 - If a language uses a case sensitive keyword group and that group
970 has a URL associated with it, the keyword will not be lowercased
996 - Line numbers aren't highlighted when a user selects the code
1002 - Code can have a header and footer
1005 - error() now returns a human-readable error message
1012 - Added a new field - language_path - that can be set either when the constructor is
1013 called, or by the new method set_language_path(), that specifies a path to the directory
1015 - Added a new method set_case_keywords(), that allows the auto-casing feature to be
1021 a <div> or a <pre> (see documentation for benefits of both). Method footer() likewise
1023 - Method get_stylesheet() modified so that a smaller comment is outputted in economy mode,