Lines Matching +full:removed -(+path:inc +path:lang) -(+path:lib +path:plugins +path:lang) -(+path:lib +path:tpl +path:dokuwiki +path:lang)

261      * Removed duplicate entries from keyword groups of VIM language file (Segaja)
289 * Removed backslash as Escape Char in T-SQL (SF#2939199, Bruno Braga)
352 * Removed some superfluous keywords from ABAP (BenBE)
353 * Removed duplicate keywords for Progress (BenBE)
354 * Removed duplicate keywords for T-SQL (BenBE)
417 * Removed duplicate keywords from Progres, SAS and TSQL (BenBE)
535 * Removed explicit escaping of / in Regular Expressions (BenBE)
565 * Removed <, > and / from HTML names, now only containing the real tag names (BenBE)
569 - Removed some private methods which were only called at exactly one place (milian)
733 - Changed code style of geshi.php, and removed tabs
736 - Removed background colour on keyword group in eiffel (Julian Tschannen)
737 - Removed GESHI_DIR_SEPARATOR constant usage, it's unnecessary (Aleksey Zapparov)
763 - Removed extra newlines at the end of some files
796 - Removed \ as an escape character in T-SQL (Dave Jackson)
809 - Fixed backslash characters being removed (ArTourter)
824 - A few keyword changes in java, removed :: object splitter (amphi)
832 - Removed escape characters for strings in XML and HTML (floele)
835 - Removed unnecessary keyword style index from ini
837 - Removed unnecessary regex style index from blitzbasic
870 - Fixed up no </span> in XML and other strict languages (regression from fix: removed
878 - Removed unnecessary </span> when using strict mode (Tim Van Wassenhove)
917 - Removed min and max tab width checks
922 - Removed excess characters after ?> in ada.php, apache.php and cpp.php that caused
924 - Removed second "foreach" keyword for smarty language file that was causing
930 - Removed margin:0 declaration from cssgen.php (Andrzej Kubaszek)
943 - Removed "margin: 0" from <ol> in an attempt to make line numbers visible in IE again