Lines Matching +full:by -(+path:inc +path:lang) -(+path:lib +path:plugins +path:lang) -(+path:lib +path:tpl +path:dokuwiki +path:lang)

5 it by each one (if there's nobody listed as suggesting it I dreamed it up :)). Users
9 Language files listed under each version were made by the author beside them, and then
10 modified by me for consistency/bug fixing.
23 - Code style update by avoiding create_function (cweiske)
325 - Allowed for String and Number Styles to be set by the API (BenBE)
389 * Forbid highlighting keywords followed by / in bash (BenBE)
444 very large strings, that could not be handled by some versions of PCRE lib,
474 * Fixed Doc-URL getting reparsed by highlighted keywords of other groups (BenBE, Jordi Boggiano)
498 * Use considerably less strlen() calls on various points by caching the results (milian)
515 - set_language will not reset any language settings by default anymore.
531 * Fixed escape char support when an escape char is followed by multi-byte chars (SF#2037598, BenBE)
618 - Code cleanup by using direct string indexing instead of substr with length 1 (Milian Wolff)
620 - Optimized COMMENT_REGEXP by using an incremental regexp cache (Milian Wolff, BenBE)
668 - Disabled symbol highlighting by default (doesn't affect brackets, cf. documentation) (BenBE)
693 - Fixed outdated documentation URL of Perl language file (RuralMoon by BenBE)
699 * Configurable line endings (Replace \n by custom string)
716 - Improved the ruby syntax highlighting by basing it off the Rails file
838 - Keyword case of URL-ed keywords should be defined by language file (Benny Baumann)
869 - Some minor language file fixes (C++, Lua) (Lua fixes by chromix)
944 by default (untested, but I don't really care if it works... get firefox! ;))
952 by get_stylesheet() (Jack Lloyd)
965 set used by calls to htmlentities() in GeSHi
967 type of method separated by each object splitter can be highlighted
987 * XML (Nigel McNie, from an idea/file by Christian Weiske)
989 from many languages(base script by Andreas Gohr, modified by Nigel McNie),
992 (suggested by Andreas von Oettingen)
993 - Certain rows can be specified to be highlighted differently (suggested by
995 - Getter available for human-readable language name (suggested by Simon Patterson)
1000 by cybot_tm). Also thanks to Marcin Gryszkalis for the links for C, Java
1013 called, or by the new method set_language_path(), that specifies a path to the directory
1014 containing the language files (bug reported by bbspliff)
1018 - Lines are broken in the source only by \n now, not by \r\n (to save on output source)