Lines Matching refs:param

51                     PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES => true, // emulating prepares allows us to reuse param names
118 * @param string $user the user name
119 * @param string $pass the clear text password
158 * @param string $user the user name
159 * @param bool $requireGroups whether or not the returned data must include groups
189 * @param string $user
190 * @param string $clear
191 * @param string $name
192 * @param string $mail
193 * @param null|array $grps
251 * @param string $user nick of the user to be changed
252 * @param array $changes array of field/value pairs to be changed (password will be clear text)
344 * @param array $users
361 * @param int $start index of first user to be returned
362 * @param int $limit max number of users to be returned
363 * @param array $filter array of field/pattern pairs, null for no filter
403 * @param array $filter array of field/pattern pairs, empty array for no filter
429 * @param string $group
447 * @param int $start
448 * @param int $limit
466 * @param string $user the user name
508 * @param string $user
540 * @param array $userdata The userdata as returned by _selectUser()
612 * @param array $userdata all the user data
613 * @param array $groupdata all the group data
628 * @param array $userdata all the user data
629 * @param array $groupdata all the group data
644 * @param string $sql The SQL statement to execute
645 * @param array $arguments Named parameters to be used in the statement
712 * @param string|Exception $message
713 * @param int $err
714 * @param int $line
737 * @param string[] $keys
752 foreach ($params as $param) {
753 if (strpos($sql, ":$param") === false) return false;
763 * @param string $sql
764 * @param array $params
765 * @param bool $htmlescape Should the result be escaped for output in HTML?