Lines Matching defs:groups

22     /** @var null|array The list of all groups */
64 ['select-user', 'select-user-groups', 'select-groups', 'insert-user', 'insert-group', 'join-group']
69 ['select-user', 'select-user-groups', 'select-groups', 'leave-group', 'delete-user']
74 ['select-user', 'select-user-groups', 'update-user-login']
79 ['select-user', 'select-user-groups', 'update-user-pass']
84 ['select-user', 'select-user-groups', 'update-user-info:name']
89 ['select-user', 'select-user-groups', 'update-user-info:mail']
92 // can groups be changed?
94 ['select-user', 'select-user-groups', 'select-groups', 'leave-group', 'join-group', 'insert-group']
107 // can a list of available groups be retrieved?
109 ['select-groups']
156 * grps array list of groups the user is in
159 * @param bool $requireGroups whether or not the returned data must include groups
221 // create all groups that do not exist, the refetch the groups
231 // add user to the groups
294 // changing groups?
298 // remove membership for previous groups
306 // create all new groups that are missing
318 // add membership for new groups
443 * Retrieve groups
453 $groups = array_keys($this->selectGroups());
454 if ($groups === false) return [];
457 return array_splice($groups, $start);
459 return array_splice($groups, $start, $limit);
538 * Select all groups of a user
546 $sql = $this->getConf('select-user-groups');
550 $groups = [$conf['defaultgroup']]; // always add default config
554 $this->debugMsg("No 'group' field returned in select-user-groups statement", -1, __LINE__);
557 $groups[] = $row['group'];
560 $this->debugMsg("select-user-groups statement did not return a list of result", -1, __LINE__);
563 $groups = array_unique($groups);
564 Sort::sort($groups);
565 return $groups;
569 * Select all available groups
571 * @return array|bool list of all available groups and their properties
577 $sql = $this->getConf('select-groups');
581 $groups = [];
585 $this->debugMsg("No 'group' field returned from select-groups statement", -1, __LINE__);
591 $groups[$group] = $row;
594 $this->debugMsg("select-groups statement did not return a list of result", -1, __LINE__);
597 Sort::ksort($groups);
598 return $groups;