Lines Matching refs:to

90         // add old revision to the attic
101 // add a log entry to the media changelog
143 * Display the form to edit image meta data
220 * Convenience function to check if a media file is still in use
280 // add old revision to the attic
400 * An alternative to move_uploaded_file that copies
407 * @param string $to
410 function copy_uploaded_file($from, $to)
413 $ok = copy($from, $to);
419 * This generates an action event and delegates to _media_upload_action().
420 * Action plugins are allowed to pre/postprocess the uploaded file.
428 * $data[4] overwrite: if an existing file is going to be overwritten
443 return ["You don't have permissions to upload files.", -1];
545 // add old revision to the attic if missing
559 // (Should normally chmod to $conf['fperm'] only if $conf['fperm'] is set.)
563 // add a log entry to the media changelog
588 * Moves the current version of media file to the media_attic
627 // (Should normally chmod to $conf['fperm'] only if $conf['fperm'] is set.)
637 * We need to do this stuff because we can not rely on the browser
638 * to do this check correctly. Yes, IE is broken as usual.
644 * @param string $file path to file
687 * @param string $file path to file
1770 * Resizes or crop the given image to the given size
1774 * @param string $file filename, path to file
1779 * @return string path to resized or original size if failed
1785 // we wont scale up to infinity
1813 * Resizes the given image to the given size
1817 * @param string $file filename, path to file
1821 * @return string path to resized or original size if failed
1829 * Center crops the given image to the wanted size
1833 * @param string $file filename, path to file
1837 * @return string path to resized or original size if failed
1845 * Calculate a token to be used to verify fetch requests for resized or
1882 * @return false|string path to cached file
1920 * @param string $file path to file in which to put the downloaded content
1960 * @param string $from filename path to file
1963 * @param string $to path to resized file
1968 function media_resize_imageIM($ext, $from, $from_w, $from_h, $to, $to_w, $to_h)
1981 $cmd .= " $from $to";
1994 * @param string $from filename path to file
1997 * @param string $to path to resized file
2005 function media_crop_imageIM($ext, $from, $from_w, $from_h, $to, $to_w, $to_h, $ofs_x, $ofs_y)
2019 $cmd .= " $from $to";
2033 * @param string $from filename path to file
2036 * @param string $to path to resized file
2044 function media_resize_imageGD($ext, $from, $from_w, $from_h, $to, $to_w, $to_h, $ofs_x = 0, $ofs_y = 0)
2124 $okay = imagejpeg($newimg, $to, $conf['jpg_quality']);
2130 $okay = imagepng($newimg, $to);
2136 $okay = imagegif($newimg, $to);
2152 * @param string[] $exts - alternative extensions to find other files for
2176 * Check if video/audio is supported to be embedded.
2179 * @param string $type - type of media files to check ('video', 'audio', or null for all)