Lines Matching +full:list +full:- +full:users -(+path:inc +path:lang) -(+path:lib +path:plugins +path:lang) -(+path:lib +path:tpl +path:dokuwiki +path:lang)

33  * @author Matthias Grimm <>
77 $meta->_parseAll();
82 $meta->deleteField($key);
84 $meta->setField($key, $val);
94 if ($meta->save()) {
99 $sizechange = $filesize_new - $filesize_old;
107 msg($lang['metasaveerr'], -1);
177 $form->addTagOpen('div')->addClass('no');
178 $form->setHiddenField('img', $id);
179 $form->setHiddenField('mediado', 'save');
195 $form->addTagOpen('div')->addClass('row');
197 $form->addTextInput(
200 )->id($p['id'])->addClass($p['class'])->val($value);
202 $form->addTextarea($p['name'], $lang[$field[1]])->id($p['id'])
203 ->val(formText($value))
204 ->addClass($p['class'])
205 ->attr('rows', '6')->attr('cols', '50');
207 $form->addTagClose('div');
209 $form->addTagOpen('div')->addClass('buttons');
210 $form->addButton('mediado[save]', $lang['btn_save'])->attr('type', 'submit')
211 ->attrs(['accesskey' => 's']);
212 $form->addTagClose('div');
214 $form->addTagClose('div');
215 echo $form->toHTML();
267 // trigger an event - MEDIA_DELETE_FILE
277 if ($evt->advise_before()) {
286 $sizechange = 0 - $data['size'];
292 $evt->advise_after();
314 $id = $INPUT->get->str('qqfile');
323 if ($INPUT->server->has('CONTENT_LENGTH') && ($realSize != $INPUT->server->int('CONTENT_LENGTH'))) {
331 ($INPUT->get->str('ow') == 'true'),
362 $id = $INPUT->post->str('mediaid');
373 // no extension specified in id - read original one
388 $INPUT->post->bool('ow'),
443 return ["You don't have permissions to upload files.", -1];
472 return [$lang['uploadwrong'], -1];
483 if ($ok == -1) {
484 return [sprintf($lang['uploadbadcontent'], '.' . $file['ext']), -1];
485 } elseif ($ok == -2) {
486 return [$lang['uploadspam'], -1];
487 } elseif ($ok == -3) {
488 return [$lang['uploadxss'], -1];
565 $sizechange = $filesize_new - $filesize_old;
583 return [$lang['uploadfail'], -1];
594 * @return int - revision date
606 if (!$medialog->getRevisionInfo($date)) {
613 $oldRev = $medialog->getRevisions(-1, 1); // from changelog
616 $sizechange -= $filesize_old;
641 * @link
657 return -3; //XSS: possibly malicious content
664 return -1; // uploaded content did not match the file extension
666 return -1;
668 return -1;
675 return -2; //blocked by the spam blacklist
697 $subscription->sendMediaDiff($conf['notify'], 'uploadmail', $id, $old_rev, $current_rev);
701 * List all files in a given Media namespace
751 $display->scrollIntoView($jump == $item->getID());
752 $display->show();
757 $display->scrollIntoView($jump == $item->getID());
758 $display->show();
768 * Prints tabs for files list actions
773 * @param string $selected_tab - opened tab
831 * Prints options for the tab that displays a list of all files
846 $form->addTagOpen('div')->addClass('no');
847 $form->setHiddenField('sectok', null);
850 $form->setHiddenField($pKey, $pVal);
852 if ($INPUT->has('q')) {
853 $form->setHiddenField('q', $INPUT->str('q'));
855 $form->addHTML('<ul>' . NL);
858 'list' => ['listType', ['thumbs', 'rows']],
865 $form->addHTML('<li class="' . $content[0] . '">');
871 $radio = $form->addRadioButton(
874 )->val($option)->id($content[0] . '__' . $option)->addClass($option);
875 $radio->attrs($attrs);
877 $form->addHTML('</li>' . NL);
879 $form->addHTML('<li>');
880 $form->addButton('', $lang['btn_apply'])->attr('type', 'submit');
881 $form->addHTML('</li>' . NL);
882 $form->addHTML('</ul>' . NL);
883 $form->addTagClose('div');
884 echo $form->toHTML();
888 * Returns type of sorting for the list of files in media manager
892 * @return string - sort type
900 * Returns type of listing for the list of files in media manager
904 * @return string - list type
908 return _media_get_display_param('list', ['default' => 'thumbs', 'rows']);
921 if (in_array($INPUT->str($param), $values)) {
923 return $INPUT->str($param);
934 * Prints tab that displays a list of all files
988 $do = $INPUT->str('mediado');
989 $query = $INPUT->str('q');
1058 $do = $INPUT->str('mediado');
1062 (new MediaDiff($image))->show(); //media_diff($image, $ns, $auth);
1064 $first = $INPUT->int('first', -1);
1065 (new MediaRevisions($image))->show($first);
1104 echo '<img src="' . $src . '" alt="" style="max-width: ' . $size[0] . 'px;" />';
1132 $form->addTagOpen('div')->addClass('no');
1133 $form->addButton('', $lang['btn_delete'])->attr('type', 'submit');
1134 $form->addTagClose('div');
1136 echo $form->toHTML();
1147 $form->addTagOpen('div')->addClass('no');
1148 $form->addButton('', $lang['media_update'])->attr('type', 'submit');
1149 $form->addTagClose('div');
1151 echo $form->toHTML();
1161 $form->addTagOpen('div')->addClass('no');
1162 $form->setHiddenField('mediado', 'restore');
1163 $form->setHiddenField('rev', $rev);
1164 $form->addButton('', $lang['media_restore'])->attr('type', 'submit');
1165 $form->addTagClose('div');
1167 echo $form->toHTML();
1196 $ratio = $meta->getResizeRatio($size, $size);
1216 $info = $meta->getField($tags);
1227 * @return array list of tags of the mediafile
1304 * @deprecated 2020-12-31
1316 * @deprecated 2020-12-31
1334 * @deprecated 2020-12-31
1353 * @deprecated 2020-12-31
1366 * @return string - file's id
1394 * List all files found by the search request
1420 if ($evt->advise_before()) {
1440 $evt->advise_after();
1459 $display->relativeDisplay($ns);
1460 $display->show();
1464 $display->relativeDisplay($ns);
1466 $display->show();
1503 * @return string|array - link or link parameters
1511 $media_manager_params = ['tab_files', 'tab_details', 'image', 'ns', 'list', 'sort'];
1513 if ($INPUT->has($x)) $gets[$x] = $INPUT->str($x);
1554 if ($auth >= $auth_ow && $fullscreen && $INPUT->str('mediado') == 'update') {
1556 $id = cleanID($INPUT->str('image'));
1562 'enctype' => 'multipart/form-data',
1567 $form->addTagOpen('div')->addClass('no');
1568 $form->setHiddenField('ns', hsc($ns)); // FIXME hsc required?
1569 $form->addTagOpen('p');
1570 $form->addTextInput('upload', $lang['txt_upload'])->id('upload__file')
1571 ->attrs(['type' => 'file']);
1572 $form->addTagClose('p');
1573 $form->addTagOpen('p');
1574 $form->addTextInput('mediaid', $lang['txt_filename'])->id('upload__name')
1575 ->val(noNS($id));
1576 $form->addButton('', $lang['btn_upload'])->attr('type', 'submit');
1577 $form->addTagClose('p');
1579 $form->addTagOpen('p');
1582 $form->addCheckbox('ow', $lang['txt_overwrt'])->id('dw__ow')->val('1')
1583 ->addClass('check')->attrs($attrs);
1584 $form->addTagClose('p');
1586 $form->addTagClose('div');
1595 echo $form->toHTML('Upload');
1649 $form->addTagOpen('div')->addClass('no');
1650 $form->setHiddenField('ns', $ns);
1651 $form->setHiddenField($fullscreen ? 'mediado' : 'do', 'searchlist');
1653 $form->addTagOpen('p');
1654 $form->addTextInput('q', $lang['searchmedia'])
1655 ->attr('title', sprintf($lang['searchmedia_in'], hsc($ns) . ':*'))
1656 ->val($query);
1657 $form->addHTML(' ');
1658 $form->addButton('', $lang['btn_search'])->attr('type', 'submit');
1659 $form->addTagClose('p');
1660 $form->addTagClose('div');
1661 echo $form->toHTML('SearchMedia');
1688 // wrap a list with the root level around the other namespaces
1733 if ($INPUT->str('do') != 'media')
1796 if (!$cache->useCache()) {
1799 ->autorotate()
1800 ->$operation($w, $h)
1801 ->save($cache->cache, $ext);
1802 if ($conf['fperm']) @chmod($cache->cache, $conf['fperm']);
1804 Logger::debug($e->getMessage());
1809 return $cache->cache;
1846 * cropped images have been internally generated - and prevent external
1898 ($cache != -1 && $mtime < time() - $cache) // 'recache' and cache has expired
1927 $http->keep_alive = false; // we do single ops here, no need for keep-alive
1929 $http->max_bodysize = $conf['fetchsize'];
1930 $http->timeout = 25; //max. 25 sec
1931 $http->header_regexp = '!\r\nContent-Type: image/(jpe?g|gif|png)!i';
1933 $data = $http->get($url);
1977 $cmd .= ' -resize ' . $to_w . 'x' . $to_h . '!';
1979 $cmd .= ' -quality ' . $conf['jpg_quality'];
2003 * @deprecated 2020-09-01
2015 $cmd .= ' -crop ' . $to_w . 'x' . $to_h . '+' . $ofs_x . '+' . $ofs_y;
2017 $cmd .= ' -quality ' . $conf['jpg_quality'];
2042 * @deprecated 2020-09-01
2151 * @param string $src - ID of media file
2152 * @param string[] $exts - alternative extensions to find other files for
2153 * @return array - array(mime type => file ID)
2162 $filebase = substr($src, 0, -1 * (strlen($srcExt) + 1));
2178 * @param string $mime - mimetype of media file
2179 * @param string $type - type of media files to check ('video', 'audio', or null for all)
2211 * @param string $src - ID of media file
2212 * @return array - array(mediaID => array( kind, srclang ))
2230 $list = glob($pattern);
2231 foreach ($list as $track) {