Lines Matching refs:param

41  * @param string  $id      id of the target page
42 * @param string $name the name of the link, i.e. the text that is displayed
43 * @param string|array $search search string(s) that shall be highlighted in the target page
62 * @param bool $svg Whether to show svg icons in the register and resendpwd links or not
88 * @param string $text
89 * @param bool $show show section edit buttons?
113 * @param array $matches matches with regexp
142 * @param array $data name, section id and target
192 * @param string $name
193 * @param string $id
194 * @param string $akey access key
195 * @param string[] $params key-value pairs added as hidden inputs
196 * @param string $method
197 * @param string $tooltip
198 * @param bool|string $label label text, false: lookup btn_$name in localization
199 * @param string $svg (optional) svg code, inserted into the button
265 * @param null|string $txt wiki text or null for showing $ID
292 * @param string $html
293 * @param array|string $phrases
336 * @param int $first skip the first n changelog lines
337 * @param string $media_id id of media, or empty for current page
359 * @param int $first
360 * @param string $show_changes
374 * @param string $ns
390 * @param array $item
409 * @param array $item
424 * @param array $item
448 * @param array $data array with item arrays
449 * @param string $class class of ul wrapper
450 * @param callable $func callback to print an list item
451 * @param callable $lifunc (optional) callback to the opening li tag
452 * @param bool $forcewrapper (optional) Trigger building a wrapper ul if the first level is
535 * @param string $l_rev Left revisions
536 * @param string $r_rev Right revision
537 * @param string $id Page id, if null $ID is used
538 * @param bool $media If it is for media files
539 * @param bool $inline Return the header on a single line
555 * @param string $text when non-empty: compare with this text with most current version
556 * @param bool $intro display the intro text
557 * @param string $type type of the diff (inline or sidebyside)
573 * @param PageChangeLog $pagelog changelog object of current page
574 * @param string $type inline vs sidebyside
575 * @param int $l_rev left revision timestamp
576 * @param int $r_rev right revision timestamp
589 * @param string $difftype display type
590 * @param string $linktype
591 * @param int $lrev oldest revision
592 * @param int $rrev newest revision or null for diff with current revision
605 * @param string $diffhtml
620 * @param string $text
621 * @param string $summary
702 * @param array $param
705 function html_edit_form($param)
708 (new Editor())->addTextarea($param);
828 * @param array $toc
850 * @param array $item
869 * @param string $link - where to link (if $hash set to '#' it's a local anchor)
870 * @param string $text - what to display in the TOC
871 * @param int $level - nesting level
872 * @param string $hash - is prepended to the given $link, set blank if you want full links
891 * @param string $name The name of the form
892 * @param Doku_Form $form The form
908 * @param Doku_Form $form The form
932 * @param string $swf - the SWF movie to embed
933 * @param int $width - width of the flash movie in pixels
934 * @param int $height - height of the flash movie in pixels
935 * @param array $params - additional parameters (<param>)
936 * @param array $flashvars - parameters to be passed in the flashvar parameter
937 * @param array $atts - additional attributes for the <object> tag
938 * @param string $alt - alternative content (is NOT automatically escaped!)
969 $out .= ' <param name="movie" value="' . hsc($swf) . '" />' . NL;
974 $out .= ' <param name="' . hsc($key) . '" value="' . hsc($val) . '" />' . NL;
979 $out .= ' <param name="FlashVars" value="' . buildURLparams($flashvars) . '" />' . NL;
999 * @param array $tabs tab structure
1000 * @param string $current_tab the current tab id
1020 * @param string $href - tab href
1021 * @param string $caption - tab caption
1022 * @param boolean $selected - is tab selected
1043 * @param int $sizechange - size of change in Bytes
1044 * @param Doku_Form $form - (optional) form to add elements to