Lines Matching refs:label

418  * @param   string  $value  (optional) Displayed label. Uses $act if not provided.
439 * The label text will be printed before the input.
444 * @param string $class Class attribute of the label. If this is 'block',
446 * @param string $label Label that will be printed before the input.
447 * @param string $id ID attribute of the input. If set, the label will
454 function form_makeField($type, $name, $value = '', $label = null, $id = '', $class = '', $attrs = array())
456 if (is_null($label)) $label = $name;
457 $elem = array('_elem' => 'field', '_text' => $label, '_class' => $class,
466 * The label text will be printed after the input.
474 * @param null|string $label
481 function form_makeFieldRight($type, $name, $value = '', $label = null, $id = '', $class = '', $attrs = array())
483 if (is_null($label)) $label = $name;
484 $elem = array('_elem' => 'fieldright', '_text' => $label, '_class' => $class,
492 * Create a form element for a text input element with label.
499 * @param null|string $label
506 function form_makeTextField($name, $value = '', $label = null, $id = '', $class = '', $attrs = array())
508 if (is_null($label)) $label = $name;
509 $elem = array('_elem' => 'textfield', '_text' => $label, '_class' => $class,
517 * Create a form element for a password input element with label.
524 * @param null|string $label
531 function form_makePasswordField($name, $label = null, $id = '', $class = '', $attrs = array())
533 if (is_null($label)) $label = $name;
534 $elem = array('_elem' => 'passwordfield', '_text' => $label, '_class' => $class,
542 * Create a form element for a file input element with label
548 * @param null|string $label
555 function form_makeFileField($name, $label = null, $id = '', $class = '', $attrs = array())
557 if (is_null($label)) $label = $name;
558 $elem = array('_elem' => 'filefield', '_text' => $label, '_class' => $class,
566 * Create a form element for a checkbox input element with label.
575 * @param null|string $label
582 function form_makeCheckboxField($name, $value = '1', $label = null, $id = '', $class = '', $attrs = array())
584 if (is_null($label)) $label = $name;
586 $elem = array('_elem' => 'checkboxfield', '_text' => $label, '_class' => $class,
594 * Create a form element for a radio button input element with label.
601 * @param null|string $label
608 function form_makeRadioField($name, $value = '1', $label = null, $id = '', $class = '', $attrs = array())
610 if (is_null($label)) $label = $name;
612 $elem = array('_elem' => 'radiofield', '_text' => $label, '_class' => $class,
620 * Create a form element for a drop-down menu with label.
633 * @param string $class Class attribute of the label. If this is 'block',
635 * @param string $label Label that will be printed before the input.
636 * @param string $id ID attribute of the input. If set, the label will
641 function form_makeMenuField($name, $values, $selected = '', $label = null, $id = '', $class = '', $attrs = array())
643 if (is_null($label)) $label = $name;
660 $elem = array('_elem' => 'menufield', '_options' => $options, '_text' => $label, '_class' => $class,
668 * Create a form element for a list box with label.
679 * @param string $class Class attribute of the label. If this is 'block',
681 * @param string $label Label that will be printed before the input.
682 * @param string $id ID attribute of the input. If set, the label will
687 function form_makeListboxField($name, $values, $selected = '', $label = null, $id = '', $class = '', $attrs = array())
689 if (is_null($label)) $label = $name;
713 $elem = array('_elem' => 'listboxfield', '_options' => $options, '_text' => $label, '_class' => $class,
867 * _class : class attribute used on the label tag
878 $s = '<label';
882 $s .= ' <input ' . buildAttributes($attrs, true) . ' /></label>';
892 * _class : class attribute used on the label tag
903 $s = '<label';
907 $s .= ' <span>' . $attrs['_text'] . '</span></label>';
917 * _class : class attribute used on the label tag
930 $s = '<label';
934 $s .= '<input type="text" ' . buildAttributes($attrs, true) . ' /></label>';
944 * _class : class attribute used on the label tag
957 $s = '<label';
961 $s .= '<input type="password" ' . buildAttributes($attrs, true) . ' /></label>';
971 * _class : class attribute used on the label tag
984 $s = '<label';
991 $s .= ' /></label>';
1001 * _class : class attribute used on the label tag
1016 $s = '<label';
1026 $s .= ' <span>' . $attrs['_text'] . '</span></label>';
1036 * _class : class attribute used on the label tag
1049 $s = '<label';
1053 $s .= ' <span>' . $attrs['_text'] . '</span></label>';
1066 * _class : class attribute used on the label tag
1078 $s = '<label';
1102 $s .= DOKU_LF . '</select></label>';
1114 * _class : class attribute used on the label tag
1125 $s = '<label';
1143 $s .= DOKU_LF . '</select></label>';