Lines Matching +full:password -(+path:inc +path:lang) -(+path:lib +path:plugins +path:lang) -(+path:lib +path:tpl +path:dokuwiki +path:lang)

8  * Password Hashing Class
19 * Verifies a cleartext password against a crypted hash
22 * then the clear text password is crypted using the same method. If both hashs
28 * @param string $clear Clear-Text password
40 // This may be an updated password from user_update_7000(). Such hashes
161 // Password hashing methods follow below
164 * Password hashing method 'smd5'
178 * @return string Hashed password
193 * Password hashing method 'lsmd5'
201 * @return string Hashed password
210 * Password hashing method 'apr1'
222 * @return string Hashed password
262 * Password hashing method 'md5'
267 * @return string Hashed password
275 * Password hashing method 'sha1'
280 * @return string Hashed password
288 * Password hashing method 'ssha' as used by LDAP
294 * @return string Hashed password
303 * Password hashing method 'crypt'
309 * @return string Hashed password
318 * Password hashing method 'mysql'
325 * @return string Hashed password
344 * Password hashing method 'my411'
349 * @return string Hashed password
357 * Password hashing method 'kmd5'
366 * @return string Hashed password
379 * Password stretched hashing wrapper.
381 * Initial hash is repeatedly rehashed with same password.
402 * @return string Hashed password
452 * Password hashing method 'pmd5'
467 * @return string Hashed password
475 * Password hashing method 'drupal_sha512'
481 * @link
489 * @return string Hashed password
513 * Password hashing method 'djangosha1'
522 * @return string Hashed password
531 * Password hashing method 'djangomd5'
540 * @return string Hashed password
549 * Password hashing method 'seafilepbkdf2'
553 * Hash algorithm is the string that is in the password string in seafile
562 * @return string Hashed password
591 * Password hashing method 'djangopbkdf2'
599 * @return string Hashed password
632 * @return string Hashed password
647 * @return string Hashed password
671 * @return string Hashed password
689 * Password hashing method SHA-2
701 * @return string Hashed password
745 * Password hashing method 'mediawiki'
754 * @return string Hashed password
764 * Password hashing method 'argon2i'
766 * Uses php's own password_hash function to create argon2i password hash
769 * @link
772 * @return string Hashed password
783 * Password hashing method 'argon2id'
785 * Uses php's own password_hash function to create argon2id password hash
788 * @link
791 * @return string Hashed password
804 * This is not directly used as password hashing method, and thus isn't callable via the
806 * password hashing methods.