Lines Matching +full:git -(+path:inc +path:lang) -(+path:lib +path:plugins +path:lang) -(+path:lib +path:tpl +path:dokuwiki +path:lang)

12  * Easily manage DokuWiki git repositories
27 "Manage git repositories for DokuWiki and its plugins and templates.\n\n" .
41 'Tries to install a known plugin or template (prefix with template:) via git. Uses the ' .
42 'plugin repository to find the proper git repository. Multiple extensions can be given as parameters'
53 'The same as clone, but when no git source repository can be found, the extension is installed via ' .
65 'Lists all git repositories found in this DokuWiki installation'
70 'Any unknown commands are assumed to be arguments to git and will be executed in all repositories ' .
109 * Tries to install the given extensions using git clone
137 * Tries to install the given extensions using git clone with fallback to install
169 * Executes the given git command in every repository
178 $shell = array_merge(['git', $cmd], $arg);
193 $this->success("git succeeded in $repo");
195 $this->error("git failed in $repo");
265 system("git clone $repo $target", $ret);
276 * Returns all git repositories in this DokuWiki install
284 $this->info('Looking for .git directories');
286 glob(DOKU_INC . '.git', GLOB_ONLYDIR),
287 glob(DOKU_PLUGIN . '*/.git', GLOB_ONLYDIR),
288 glob(fullpath(tpl_incdir() . '../') . '/*/.git', GLOB_ONLYDIR)
292 $this->error('Found no .git directories');
294 $this->success('Found ' . count($data) . ' .git directories');
321 return '' . $user . '/' . $repo . '.git';
330 return '' . $user . '/' . $repo . '.git';
337 return '' . $user . '/' . $repo . '.git';