====== Genstionaire des Config Texte: Interwiki ====== Utiliser cette page pour gerer la liste des Interwiki de votre intallation de Dokuwiki.\\ Que sont les Interwiki? Voir [[doku>wiki:interwiki]]. Each URL may contain one of the placeholders {URL} or {NAME} * ''{URL}'' is replaced by the URL encoded representation of the wikiname this is the right thing to do in most cases * ''{NAME}'' this is replaced by the wikiname as given in the document no further encoding is done If no placeholder is defined the urlencoded name is appended to the URL Please note that you may specify an image to use with interwiki links in your dokuwiki's ''images/interwiki'' directory. Unfortunately, this plugin does not upload image files. Pour plus de details a propos de ce plugin, voir [[doku>plugin:txtconf]]. Assurez-vous d'appuyer le bouton **Sauver** avant de quitter cette page, sinon vos modifications seront perdues.