This utility supports the following table formatting features:
[ color ]: background colors for cells, rows, and columns
[ align ]: horizontal text alignment for
cells, rows, and columns
[ resize ]: cell width and column spans, cell deletion
[ ins/del ]: inserting, deleting and moving columns and rows
At the top of each page, you will find the basic instructions for the features
supported by that page. You can hide the instructions by clicking hide
at the bottom right of the instructions. To re-display the instructions click [ ? ].
After making structural changes to a table, the table will have to be re-read.
Consequently, all the top row buttons will be disabled, except for
[ Intro ] and [ ? ]. In order to continue, click Intro. It will do
the re-read and return you to this page.
This page can be re-displayed by clicking the [ Intro ] button.
Setting Background Colors
Each checkbox represents a cell. To set a background color, select the cell
and a pop-up will appear from which you can select a background color.
To revert to the previous color, uncheck the checkbox.
You can also enter a color in the pop-up text box, using the form #nnnnnn.
To set the background color for a DokuWiki Table header, you must first remove
the <TH> tag using the Styles menu.
To set the background color for an entire row or column use the Reset
feature. Enter the row or column number and click the button. The color
dialog will pop up.
Alignment positions are controlled by radio buttons:
The buttons, in order, are left, center, and right.
Clicking on a button will immediately re-align a cell's text.
To set alignment to another position, simply select another button.
To align an entire row or column use the Reset
feature. Select the required radio button and enter the row or column number.
Click the button. The entire row or column will be re-aligned.
To change width of cell enter the width in pixels and click the width button
To change the number of columns a cell spans enter the number in the cols box and click
the cols button
When extending a cell over more than one column it may be necessary to remove adjacent
cells. You do this by checking off the checkboxes of the relevant cells. Unchecking a cell
will restore its content but the formatting will be lost.
Insert: To insert a new column or row, enter its position number and click the relevant
button. A new column or row will be inserted at that position.
Delete: To delete a column or row, enter its position number and click the
relevant button. The deleted column or row will be saved for possible re-insertion.
Reinsert: To return a column or row that has been deleted to its original position,
use the Reinsert facility. Enter the number of the deleted row or column in the
row or column box; this number must be the
same as the number of the deletion. Click the button. The deleted row or column
will be reinserted.
Move To: To move a deleted row or column to a new position in the table, enter the
new position in the Move To box; then follow the procedure for Reinsert. The
column or row will be inserted at the new position instead of at its original position.