**Current Template** \\ With this app you can create a style sheet for the CKEditor's editing window that is based on your template. It will place the style sheet in your template folder in the directory named **Styles**, which will be created when the style sheet is saved. The style sheet will be named **_styles.css**. To activate this style sheet two things must be done: - it must be placed in **ckgedit/ckeditor/css**. This will automatically be done for you if you check off the checkbox labeled **Copy to ckeditor/css.** - The **style_sheet** option in the ''Configuration Settings'' must be set to **true**. **Other templates: installed but not activated** \\ You can also create additional style sheets for other templates which you might have stored in your **tpl** folder. These will be copied to the Styles folder of the respective templates but not to **ckeditor/css**. ----