====== Citations for DokuWiki ====== ===== About ===== This plugin gives you the ability to let users cite your work. This is required quite often in academia and journalism. The way to show the page with the different citations styles is by appending ''&do=cite'' to a wiki page's URL in addition to an optional revision number, for example ''rev=123456789''. Recent templates can add the button to the citations automatically to their menu. In the Configuration Manager you can disable it again. Otherwise you will need to add code to your template's **main.php** for the citation links to appear! ===== Setup if not yet supported ===== To display a permanent link or citation link at any point in your document, use the following code as an example: Permanent Link Cite this Page My advice is to keep the ''%%rel="nofollow"%%'' intact as this ensures search engines don't index citations. Set the options for this plugin via the **Configuration Settings** menu from the DokuWiki admin menu. (It will be near the bottom of the page.) ===== For template developers ===== ====Current menus==== If you use the [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/devel:menus]], the button to the citation page is added automatically to the page tools. These menu icons are svg-based, so icons can be colored in the style of the template. ====Old menus==== The plugin also exports two functions for use with your template: * **cite_getPermURL()** : A //permanent link// to a page revision * **cite_getCiteURL()** : A //citation link// so that you can let others easily cite your work Please feel free to use those functions if you intend to make your template "citation aware". ===== Support ===== For further support or discussion, please see the official [[doku>plugin:cite|plugin]] page. If you find this plugin useful, please consider supporting the project via [[http://tjgrant.com/wiki/donate|Donations]] or [[https://github.com/sponsors/tatewake|Sponsorships]]; thank you!